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 The bright sun felt nice on his skin as he exited his small house. Things had been nice ever since he moved in a year ago. It was a relief to not be around his parents. As he walked further into town he noticed more people gathering around. Several had tattoo-like marks on their skin. It was a common thing when people turned eighteen to get a soulmate mark. A mark that appears almost at random and connects two people in life. Peter had always hated his mark. He knew things would be so much worse if his parents found out about it, but that was behind him. He had work today. He made it to the center of the town. The biggest market spot. If they weren't inside the building they were makeshift stalls. Peter walked over to one that had been set up with wood, and cloth. Behind it a cart set up with bounds of vegetables, with a woman behind the stand. Her hair was white, and was tied back in two messy twin tails. While her eyes were a bright blue. As soon as her eyes landed on him she let out a bright smile. 

"Peter! Hi." Angelica shouted. "Hey Angelica." Peter replied with a casual wave before walking behind the booth. Placing his satchel under the table with a few other paper bags. Angelica, alongside her roommate Forcas were his employers. The pay was decent, but he was still left in quite a bit of debt. Not that he could complain though, it was better than his last job. He remembered when he first met Forcas he thought him and Angelica were siblings, and then later on soulmates, but it turned out they were just a pair of best friends running a farm together. It seemed rather nice, Peter hoped him and his soulmate would at least be best friends. Though knowing his luck in life he didn't have his hopes too high. After all he was so scared to remain in his hometown with his parents finding out, he didn't have hopes of ever finding his soulmate. Though for now he was satisfied by not knowing. Though he noticed a few people heavily polishing the buildings, and decor was being put up. 

"What's going on with the decorating?" Peter asked as Angelica looked over at where he was pointing. "Oh, the prince's birthday is coming up within a week." Peter slouched a bit. He had never met face to face, but the way he had heard people talking, and the way he would act during outings always rubbed Peter the wrong way. He just seemed so full of himself, not to mention he would be overly flirtatious towards multiple women despite having a soulmate mark. He had been lucky and moved in a week after his birthday, but now he would be stuck for it. Angelica sighed, "I know you don't like the prince's vibe, but they are hosting a royal ball for this, and you know how fun the balls can be. Besides free food." Angelica said as Peter rolled his eyes. He had been to a few balls obviously, but even he had some doubts he would be able to show up to this one. Any event that had a large priority of the prince, everyone was expected to dress absolutely fancy. Diamonds glittering on every suit jacket, and women in the sparkiest dresses. Items Peter could only dream of owning, and some that Angelica had been lucky to get her hands on, but only through handyman downs, and gifts from kind individuals. 

"Yeah, I know, but I don't really have anything to wear." Peter replied as Angelica gave an embarrassed smile. "If you do want I'm sure I could see if Forcas has anything that doesn't fit, though I would have to tailor it down to fit you. Peter shrugged, he wasn't too upset about not being able to go. "I'll live. Besides, I'm sure I'll find something to do that evening." He did have some books he had found abandoned in a few alleyways. Perhaps he would read those. Yet his mind was brought back to reality as some customers started approaching.

"Bye Angelica." Peter said as he grabbed his satchel and walked back to his home. As usual his walk was uneventful despite the sunset. Most people were already home, or out, getting ready for bed, or eating dinner. Peter unlocked and opened his door only to step on a few papers. He moved back and picked them up before walking into his home. Placing the letters on the table he looked through them. The first was some letter sent to the wrong address. He would perhaps try to find the right address later. Another one was an invitation for the prince's birthday. "On March twenty second a grand masquerade ball will be held at the palace from seven p.m to midnight. All are welcome to attend." Peter hummed as he threw it back down on the table. Now he knew he would definitely not be attending. He already didn't have a suit, and he definitely didn't have any kind of mask. The final one was also addressed from the palace. That caught Peter's attention as odd. After all, they already sent the invites. Out of curiosity Peter opened it, inside was a bigger piece of paper. 

"To all citizens if you or someone you know owns the mark illustrated below please report them, or yourself to the palace as you are the soulmate to the prince." Peter looked down at the illustration and dropped the paper immediately. His breathing picked up as he looked back down at the paper. Quickly snatching it and looking at the image again. The illustration was that of a heart sliced in half with fire surrounding it. Peter rushed over to the bathroom. Not caring for his now knocked over chair. Bursting in he tossed the paper on the counter, unbuttoned his shirt and threw it off. On his left shoulder right above his armpit matched the illustration on the paper. Peter snatched it again. Looking back and forth over and over again. Tracing line over line to see everything matched. His hands dropped to his side. "I'm the prince's soulmate." He whispered to himself. His body was shaking as he couldn't believe it. He was the soulmate to that narcissistic, spoiled prince. Then another realization hit him. "The prince is gay?!" 

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