A Cozy Way to Deal with Punishment

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Peter was led up to a room on the second floor. It was rather large with the walls being painted a beautiful shade of green. Parts of them were lined with shelves of more books and at the end a large window. Letting the sunlight illuminate it through the trees visible outside. In the center were several couches surrounding a coffee table and in front of an unlit fireplace. Peter was rather stunned by the beauty of the room. Walking in slowly and taking a look around. The room was rather cozy. It was the perfect place to relax. "So what do you think?" Bryce asked as he followed behind him. "It's wonderful." Peter replied as he took a seat down on the couch. "Though I have to ask why so many books up here don't you have a library?" Peter asked as Bryce joined him on the couch. "Oh that's only for textbooks and other nonfiction. Up here's where we keep all the fun books." Bryce explained as he pulled Peter closer to him. Peter rested his head on his shoulder as conversation drifted between the two. Stuff like their favorite books. Which quickly transitioned into discussing the philosophy and messaging behind the book. It was one of the things Peter didn't mind doing in school and was pleasantly surprised by Bryce having a similar interest. 

"Have you ever read that one book about this couple that crashes the wedding of a person who wronged them?" Bryce thought about it for a moment. "Oh I think I have. Didn't the person who wronged one of them do it because he had a massive crush on him?" Peter shrugged, "I don't remember exactly, I only read it once before a pastor burned all the copies of it." Bryce rolled his eyes. "Of course it was a pastor." Bryce muttered before looking back down at Peter. "Though I do like the ending." Peter let out a hum. A small bit of happiness flowed through him. He thought it was an overall satisfying ending. 

"Yeah?" Peter looked up at him. "Yeah." Bryce said before leaning over and pressing a kiss to his lips. Peter kissed back, leaning into his hand that moved to cup his cheek. Success is the best revenge after all. "Ahem." Both pulled back to see a guard standing there awkwardly. Peter felt incredibly warm as he ducked out of sight. How long had that guard been standing there? "Yes?" Bryce asked. "Your highness, it's been an hour and we are still waiting for punishments to be decided." Peter was stunned. They had just been here chatting that whole time? Things go by fast. Bryce turned back to him and Peter sat up. He didn't really want to go back there. "Do you want the files of them and decide from there?" Peter nodded. "Get the files and bring them up here." The guard nodded before leaving the room.

Another hour had passed with Peter looking through and writing down each decided punishment for the clergymen. With some occasional input from Bryce. That's when he got to thinking. This task was relatively easy. He was given paperwork with their name, what they did and he just wrote it down. But if this task was easy how were all the others going to end up? He had his doubts they would be as easy as this. His eyes looked back at Bryce who had his nose stuck in a book. A calm look on his face. Bryce wouldn't leave him out to dry like that. With him he could do it. 

"What are you looking at?" Bryce teased Pete once again felt his face grow warm as he turned away from him. "Nothing." He muttered as he went back to his paperwork. Some shuffling was happening in the background before he felt Bryce right next to him. Before he could say or do anything he felt Bryce press a kiss to his cheek before quickly planting another on his jaw. Peter couldn't help but giggle as Bryce began to rapidly place kisses on his face. He tried to get out of grasp but Bryce wrapped his arms around him. "Let me go!" Peter playfully cried as Bryce looked at him in his eyes. "Never." He replied before planting a firm kiss to his lips. Peter moved a bit so he could more comfortably sit before wrapping his arms around his neck. Bryce moved his lips back just a bit. "I love you." He whispered. "I love you too." Peter whispered back before pulling him into another kiss.

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