Happily Ever After

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Peter had thought back on that night for a while. Sure everything was fine in the moment and he did have a breakdown an hour later. Yet he wasn't sure why. It happened years ago. He hadn't seen them since. Now he was looking out at the window from the parlor. Out at the north side of the garden in the bright sunshine. He knew there was a crowd in the ballroom. Just close family friends. Maybe the recent flood of his memories of that night had to do with the bits of warmth around his fingers. Looking down he was once used to seeing his feet on the plush carpet. 

Now there was a crib there. An infant with dirty blonde hair and dressed in a pale blue onesie laid inside. Peter looked down at the sleeping child. Snuggled under a fluffy white blanket with one hand holding onto Peter's finger. He couldn't help but smile at the small child. He had been frightened at the prospect of having children. Fearing he would repeat a similar cycle with his own. A hand was placed onto his shoulder. Causing him to lightly finch before looking over at his husband with a bright smile. "Careful your flinching may cause him to wake up." Bryce teased. Peter rolled his eyes before playfully shoving Bryce with his free hand. Bryce did his best to laugh quietly, but no matter how hard he tried it was always rather loud. "Now you're going to wake him." Peter whispered before looking down at the kid. "You know we're going to have to wake him up." Bryce said as he joined him looking down in the crib below. Peter sighed. "I know, but I don't want to." Peter said as he brushed a strand of hair out of his face. Bryce sighed as he held onto his waist. 

"I know. I don't want to either." Bryce looked over at him. "Everybody is waiting to meet him." "I know." Peter said before pressing a kiss to his lips. Then Peter felt a move on his hand. When he pulled back he noticed the big bright blue eyes of their son. "Hey Winnie." Peter said with a gentle smile. Winnie gave a happy giggle as he let go of Peter's finger. He kicked his feet up along with his hands. Peter gave a giggle as he picked Winnie up. "Did you have a nice nap?" Cradling him in his arms and bouncing him a bit. It felt almost unreal. Perhaps that's why he liked holding him so much. Peter wanted proof that this was real. 

Despite living in the palace for the past six years, and for at least six months Winnie was in it. before looking up at Bryce. A loving gaze crossed his face as he stared at him. "What?" Peter asked as Bryce continued to stare at him. Bringing his hand up to cup his cheek. "Nothing." He said before giving her another kiss. Peter smiled into it before the two parted. Walking down into the ballroom to see a small crowd of excited people ready to meet the new member of the royal family. At the front of the crowd was Angelica and Forcas. Bright smiles on their faces as they quickly walked up to the two. "Congratulations." Angelica said Peter gave a smile to him. Several people crowded around them. Gushing over the new prince. Vincent, Rody, and Bok Su even came up to give graduations. Though Peter did catch one particular look from Rody. A look of longing crossed his face. If Peter didn't know better, he'd say Vincent and Rody may be looking at adopting one soon. 

Eventually the crowds dispersed, and finally Peter could peacefully talk to Angelica and Forcas. "So is he going to become the next king? I mean he's not related by blood." Forcas asked as Bryce gave a playful shrug. "Well when you're the current ruler you can make a decree who will be next in line. I can assure you he'll be next." Forcas as Winnie kept looking back and forth between the two with usual curiosity. Though he kept smiling at Angelica. "Aww, He has such a cute smile." Angelica said as she leaned down. Winnie suddenly clapped his hands before reaching out to her. Angelica giggled as Peter looked down at Winnie. "Do you want to hold him?" Peter asked as Angelica looked up at him. 

"Are you sure?" Anglica asked as nodded. Bringing the kid closer to her. Angelica gently took Winnie from his arms. Winnie smiled up at her. Even reaching for strands of hair that had fallen from her tied back bun. "Hi Winnie." Angelica said as he gave a giddy laugh. Bryce nudged Peter, causing him to look at him. "Should we tell them?" Peter nodded as the two looked over at them. "Tell us what?" Peter took a deep breath. Though he was a little afraid Angelica may drop Winnie at the news. "Bryce and I have been talking, and we've decided that you two should be his godparents." Forcas's jaw nearly hit the floor, and tears began to prick at the corners of Angelica's eyes. She took in a shaky breath. "Are you serious?" Forcas asked in a shaky voice as Peter nodded. The shock had worn off the two who now stared down at their godson. Completely oblivious to the information they had just received. He just saw their smiles and gave a smile back. 

"Hey Winnie." Angelica said as tears began to slip down her cheeks. "I'm your godmother." Angelica looked at Forcas before turning to look back at Winnie. "We're your godparents." Winnie as if on cue let out a happy laugh. Only causing more happy tears to fall from Angelica's face. Even Forcas looked like he was about to cry. Peter wrapped his arm around Bryce's. Soon their hands were interlocked. Peter felt a sense of joy looking at his son all happy with his godparents. "You know, I think you'll make a great father." Bryce said, causing Peter to look up at him. "You think so?" He asked as he stared into his husband's eyes. "I know so." Bryce said, giving Peter higher spirits. "I love you." Peter said as Bryce leaned over on him. "I love you too." Bryce whispered as everything in his life just felt complete.

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