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A cold numbness was all he felt as the palace came into view. Despite the warm weather his body was shivering from the coldness of the water he had been forced into. His back, legs and hands hurt like hell. Despite being pressed against Bryce's chest, and cloaked in his jacket he still felt cold. Not barring to look at him as all he was filled with was shame and guilt. Eventually the house stopped as Bryce slipped off still holding him in his arms. At this point he just wished he could go to his house and cry his feelings out there before dealing with all this. Walking inside the palace just made everything colder as Bryce took him up to his room. Finally he was sat on a bench in his bathroom. Looking over he watched as Bryce prepared a bath for him. It caused him some confusion though eventually he realized what he was doing it for. He was just dunked into water with questionable sanitation, and heavily beaten. 

"I'll leave you be, to get in. I'll come back with some stuff to help you feel less sore." His voice was calm, even pitiful. Peter watched as he left, closing the door behind him. Looking back over at the tub it was huge. More like a shallow pool if you had to ask him. It was a bit over halfway full. Though it was hard to tell since he had poured bubbles into it. Almost all of them cover every single inch. Peter hesitantly stripped down before sinking in. The warm water stung a bit causing him to hiss. Looking down he could see why. His knees and hands had been scraped from the harsh bricks. He looked to his right and left arm. His right arm was fine. His left had the same scrapes from being moved slightly from every single kick. The memories almost sent his mind realigning and yet other questions plagued his mind. Bryce, he had been so kind to him. He knew by now, he had no doubts, and yet he wasn't mad at him. Why? Why the hell wasn't he mad at him? Why even bother to save him? Why not wait to confront him until the next time he starts work? He could feel tears threatening to form. Maybe that's why he was shaking so much. He didn't want to cry, not now, not in front of Bryce. 

Three gentle knocks came to the door. "May I come in?" Bryce asked. "Yeah." Peter croaked, his voice strained as his breathing was ragged. Bryce walked in with a tray of little cups filled with different bath salts. Peter's lips quivered as Bryce poured each one in. Eventually the bath smelt a bit more like lavender. Which Pete would've found calming if he hadn't been doing his best to hold it all down. A gentle touch on his shoulder caused his head to snap up and look at Bryce. "You can let it out." His voice was soft and gentle, and looking into his eyes brought Peter a comfort he never thought was possible. It was like a cord was cut at that very moment. Tears spilled from his eyes as he began to let out choked sobs. Bringing his hands to his face to cover himself as he let it all out. All his frustration, all of the guilt, all of the pain. Bryce's hand never left his shoulder. As he used his thumb to gently rub it in an attempt to also help keep him calm. God he was pathetic and yet Bryce was still here. "I'm sorry." He said as he removed his hands from his face. He couldn't even look at him and do it. Bryce furrowed his brow. "Sorry for what?" Peter's head snapped up to look at him. Only to be met with a genuinely confused Bryce. 

"You have to be kidding me? I FUCKING lied to you. I SENT you on a MANHUNT for a woman who never existed. I Pretended to know nothing. I caused a scene in the town square and YOU aren't even mad! Why?" Peter asked as Bryce sighed. "First of all you didn't cause the shit that happened in the square wasn't your fault. It was the church's fault. As for you lying I guess I'm just more confused. Like I understand not wanting to go up to a person and claiming you're their soulmate right away, but, I don't understand the disguise. Why did you do that?" Peter sighed. "Are you serious? You're the prince of the kingdom. You've had multiple public flings, and girlfriends. If I just came up randomly and said I was your soulmate I might as well be paying with my fucking head. You probably would've never been with a man." Bryce let out a chuckle as he leaned on the rim. "Well I guess that's mostly fair." An unserious smirk on his face. Peter immediately became suspicious. 

"What do you mean by mostly?" "Come on, you really think fate paired us up for no reason. Yeah I'm not going to lie. I have definitely been with more women, and I honestly prefer them more but I'm not going to lie. I think everyone is hot." Peter completely froze, and Bryce seemed to be cracking up at it. "How long have you known?" Peter asked. "Since I was thirteen." Peter's mouth nearly hit the floor. He had known he was queer longer than Peter had. Bryce let out a loud hearty laugh. Yet Peter found he couldn't be too mad. Bryce gave him a fond smile, and Peter couldn't help but return one back. "There is one final thing though." Peter raised a brow as Bryce dipped his hand into the water. Getting it wet. Peter let out a small chuckle before leaning his shoulder forward. "Go right ahead." His heart began to pound as Bryce's hand touched his shoulder. Part of him expected this to all be a sick prank, and for the mark to be cleaned off. Bryce's hand graced over it as causing a glow to admit from it. Peter looked back over to see the mark on Bryce's collar bone also glowing. Pair of green eyes met a pair of deep blue ones as Bryce's hand cupped his cheek. The two lean in closer. "May I?" Bryce whispered. Peter didn't hold back, connecting their lips instantly while holding onto his shoulder. It only took a second for Bryce to kiss back. For the first time, this felt right.

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