Distress and Disguises

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Peter took a shaky breath. This couldn't be happening. There was no way the prince could be gay? Was him flirting with women all an act? Hell how did he even end up his soulmate when he was literally born in a different kingdom? Sure it wasn't impossible, but it was rather uncommon? Peter let out a groan, as he resisted the urge to bash his head into the wall. This has to be a dream? Yeah that was the explanation, this was all some crazy dream. He would just go to bed and wake up and this would have never happened. Quickly changing into a shirt before snuggling into bed.

He awoke at daybreak. Probably from being used to it as he got up and stretched. Through his sleepy hazy he had forgotten the previous events until he stepped into the bathroom. Noticing the flier on the counter. "FUCK!" He shouted, not caring if anybody really heard him. It wasn't a dream, and there was no way he was even still in a dream. They would be on a manhunt for him in due time. Though they would be looking for women first. He had time. For now his mind needed to be off of this. He should take a shower. Peter removed his clothes before getting in and letting the warm water run. As he began to plan his way to avoid suspicion. Perhaps get a haircut as it was getting a little long. Thankfully most of his shirts covered his shoulder though he would have to be careful as some had large collars that could expose it. Some also had thin fabric so he would have to avoid them. There was one final thing though. He stepped out of the shower and dried himself off before at least putting the bottom half of his clothes on, before returning to the bathroom. Opening a cabinet under the sink. Sure there was some usual stuff one would see in a bathroom, but one thing stood out. A small box in the far corner. He grabbed it and opened it to reveal some make up. He had scrapped and saved his pocket money, as asking for the cash from his parents would raise suspicions. It had been hidden in this box for years. Everyday he lived with his parents he would put it on. He would rather be known for not having a soulmate, than the utter disgust, and horrid punishment would be brought upon him. "Guess you're serving your purpose." He muttered as he put it on until the mark faded into his skin entirely. He smiled before placing it back in the box, and under the cabinet before grabbing a shirt, his satchel, and leaving the house. By now the sun was almost fully risen. As he made his way to the town center. Angelica was setting up. "Hi Peter." "Hi Angelica." Peter said as he placed the satchel in its usual spot under the table. Though he noticed several glass water bottles under the table. Maybe she thought it would be rather hot today? Peter was in no real mood to ask. "Oh we won't be at the stall for the next few days, but do you think you could help me and Forcas on the farm?" Peter raised a brow. He had been over a few times. "Sure? Can I ask why?" "We've been asked to deliver vegetables to the palace for the ball." Peter nodded. "Sure." He replied as Angelica smiled. "Thank you." Angelica said as Peter smiled back. He was always happy to help. Soon people were stopping by. They may be a bit packed since Angelica had placed a sign on the table top. People were ordering a lot of vegetables today. Eventually one woman in particular stepped up to their booth. She didn't order as many but she kept moving her hand around. When Peter looked his eyes almost popped out of his head. There on her hand was his soulmate mark. Peter's head was spinning. How did she have it? Were they all three soulmates? And if so did this mean he wasn't gay? He recalled his father saying it was a choice so did that mean he was just choosing this? "Excuse me miss, but is that..." "Oh. It's my soulmate mark. Are you going to call the guards?" She replied seductively. Was she flirting with him now? "Oh really? Well then I'm sure you wouldn't mind THIS!" Angelica shouted as she splashed water from a bottle onto the woman's hand. The woman shrieked as she moved her hand back. Black ink melting away. Peter let out an internal sigh of relief she was not either of their soulmate. Angelica had a smug look as she placed a bag of tomatoes on the table. "Here are your tomatoes." Have a nice day. The woman scowled as she snatched the bag and stormed away. Throughout the whole day Peter noticed several people with soulmate marks like his. Every time they walked up to their stall Angelica would splash them with some water and the ink would flow off of their skin. Not only was this happening at their booth. It was happening almost everywhere in the market. All until the end of the day. Peter picked up a bottle. It didn't look like anything was wrong with it. "Hey Angelica?" Angelica looked over at him. "Why were you splashing people with water?" "Well you know when a royal figure gets a soulmate mark, or someone in higher power gets one obviously people are going to try to fake it. Tattoo shops make a big buck out of stuff like this. So an easy solution is this." Angelica opened a sack filled with pink, white, and blue salt. "It wipes the ink of permanent tattoos with the help of water. Not to mention that there is a rumor that if it is rubbed on a real soulmate mark it will glow." Peter was slightly surprised. They didn't have anything like this in his hometown. "You can keep that bottle." Angelica replied as another question came to Peter's mind. "But why would it be legal to mimic soulmate marks?" Angelica shrugged. "Likely because we have the salt. You know people will buy water and the salt, it eliminates people who are faking being someone's soulmate, and it creates a flow of money." Peter nodded as he placed the bottle in his satchel. He and Angelica parted but as soon as he was out of sight he picked up his pace. Rushing home as fast as he could without drawing attention to himself. As soon as he got home he removed his shirt. Wiped off the makeup before grabbing the bottle. His heart pounded as he poured some onto his hand, and flinged it over on his mark. But what if that wasn't enough? He jumped into his shower. Pouring the bottle over it. Using his other hand to rub it over. When he pulled his hand back there was no black smudges. Slowly his head turned over, but he was quickly blinded by a bright light. There was no denying it at this point. They were soulmates. "Shit." Peter muttered, why was the light so bright?" Peter slapped his hand over the mark, at least allowing it to dim. It felt warm to the touch. He stayed in the shower. Heart pounding as he waited. He wondered if anyone saw that he would be caught, but several minutes went by and no one knocked on his door, eventually the mark cooled. He took a deep breath. He was safe for now.

The bed cushions were comfortable as always as he turned another page in the book. That's when he noticed the room getting brighter. But it was nearly dusk? The light became brighter, as his shirt collar became warmer. He moved the book over as he quickly got up. Making strides over the elegant floor over to the mirror. The light blinded him as he placed a hand over his soulmate mark. It had never done that before, why was it doing it now? His eyes darted everywhere until he looked over at a bag near a metal cup. The light dimmed before he removed his hand from his mark. It was still there. The blonde's eyes widened. A smile appeared on his face as excitement flooded through his veins. His soulmate had gotten found out. It would only be a matter of time before he would get to meet them. He quickly turned around, he would order for double the patrols. His soulmate knew who they were, and he was going to find them.

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