Adjusting to Royal Life

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Peter's body practically sank into the plush mattress. Plush covers over his bruised body. Everything about that should've felt nice. Yet Peter found himself unable to rest. Every toss and turn made sleep seem unattainable. Peter groaned as he slipped out of bed. It was his first official night after moving in. Though he could only think of one way to fall asleep. He crawled out of bed as quietly as he could. Sure there was no need to do so, but it was better than nothing. He snuck down the hall into the bedroom at the end. Silently opening the door and slipping inside. There on the far side of the bed was an obvious lump hidden beneath the covers. Peter let out a silent sigh. He couldn't believe he was doing this. Even though he technically had done it before. He climbed into his bed. Snuggling up in Bryce's bed. Continuing to toss and turn. Though sleep was slowly finding its way to him. Especially when something cushiony is pressed against him.

A soft rustling awoke Bryce from his slumber. He didn't wish to open his eyes. As the rustling continued. Not to mention the fact that it was getting closer. Eventually Bryce opened his eyes. Turning over to see Peter asleep next to him. Bryce was confused about what he was doing in his room. Before he could ask he noticed Peter looked to be asleep already. Bryce watched as Peter continued to toss and turn. Every bit moving closer. To the point he was almost next to him. Bryce moved closer before Peter leaned against him. "Goodnight. Peter." Bryce whispered before facing him. Letting himself be lulled back to sleep.

Peter stirred a bit. Feeling a light weight over his hip while his body was cuddling something. Though Peter did not wish to open his eyes. He just wanted to remain in this personal heaven right now. Hoping sleep would return to him. Then a hand gently ran through his hair. Peter peaked open his eyes, and while almost everything was blurry he knew where he was. "Good morning." Bryce muttered as Peter closed his eyes. "Morning." He muttered, less happily than Bryce had. "Are you doing okay?" Peter let out a small groan. "Tired." "Is that why you came into my room?" Bryce asked as Peter nodded. He would be embarrassed right now if he wasn't too tired. Bryce let out a small chuckle. "Take your time then" Bryce said as he began to move but Peter didn't want to have him move. "Peter, come on." Bryce said as Peter let out another groan. "No." Peter said as Bryce let out a sigh. "Fine." He said as the two laid in bed for about thirty more minutes. While Peter was definitely more awake. He still didn't want to leave the bed. Soft knocks came to the door. 

"Yes?" Bryce asked quietly. "Your highness, Peter isn't in his room, and it is asked that you are to get out of bed." "Well you're going to have to wait for Peter to get up." Bryce replied back as Peter lightly shoved his chin up. "But he isn't... Oh I see." With that small footsteps walked away. "You heard him. Time to get up." Bryce said as Peter rubbed his eyes. "Fine." He groaned as he rubbed his eyes. Looking up at his eyes. Staring into his green eyes before getting a kiss pressed to his forehead. Peter gave him a small smile before he pressed a kiss to Bryce's lips. "Alright I'm up." Peter said before trekking back to his room. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes before finally getting his vision back. That morning did not go as expected. Since he did manage to get through all the punishments yesterday, and while he did get a run through, he didn't expect to immediately get thrown into doing paperwork. Turns out there was much more than just signing a form punishment and what they will go through. At least Bryce was there to help, though he also had his own work to get done. So Peter was doing his best for now. Lunch was a decent break for the two. Leaving Peter refreshed to start on paperwork again. Mostly because he only had a bit more left. 

"Back to the grind." Bryce said as Peter shrugged. "Yeah." He said. He looked a little out of place to the rest of the staff. He had kept his original clothes and figured he would be wearing them for a while. Bryce did talk about getting him a more esteemed set of clothes. Though Peter was fine with them for now. It felt nice to have some form of comfort while getting used to the palace. Though as they approached their study they heard a pair of loud voices. The two looked at each other confused. The voices were muffled at first but became clearer by the second. "You are out of your goddamn mind!" Peter recognized the first voice as the servant from the day he moved in. "Bok Su." He whispered. "If he and the prince are soulmates then he should be ready for the life of a royal consort." Bryce's face became angry as Peter was a mix of anger and fear. "Margret." He muttered. As the two looked at each other. "He's only been here for a day." Peter cracked the door open. Watching Margret grab Bok Su wrists. "I want to remind you, you were in that church that he shut down. God gave you a second chance and this is how you squander it. You are a servant here. It is not your place to say how much the people in power handle." 

Just as Peter and Bryce burst open the door Bok Su grabbed Margarets wrist and twisting. She yelped in pain, removing her hand from Bok Su. She grabbed her by the collar. "I didn't choose to go there. It was part of a probation for a crime I didn't commit. If God really cared about things like justice, then I wouldn't be here." "Just like how you shouldn't be here." Bryce said as both turned to see them. Bok Su let go of Margret. "And I will remind you Margret that it is the royal consort, and royal children of age are in charge of hiring staff, and approving staff. She doesn't owe you shit." Bryce said as he stood over her. Her lips quivering. While Bok Su's face was calm, she even seemed a little terrified. "As for the paperwork I am expecting the next stack of paperwork to cross my desk will be for your replacement." Margret's jaw nearly dropped to the floor. "Your highness," 

"ENOUGH!" The room went silent. "Out." He muttered as Margret sighed, her face showing sadness before it met Peter's showing anger. Her hips bumping into him. Was Peter really going to take that shit? Bok Su almost broke her arm, and Bryce basically fired her. Without missing a beat Peter stuck his foot out before feeling her trip followed by a thud. Peter looked back at her angrily before shaking his head. Bok Su left after. "Serves her right." She muttered walking past the tripped mistress. Peter felt his heart beat rise as he began to quiver a bit. "Rather bold of you." Bryce said as eyeing Peter up and down as he shut the door. "That still scared me a bit." Though he didn't feel all that bad about it. He was more scared of just becoming rude. "It shouldn't have to. You shouldn't have to put up any bullshit like that." Bryce said as he walked over. 

"When you have power you can use it." Bryce said as he leaned on his shoulder. "Don't be scared to." He whispered while looking in Bryce's eyes. He gives him a small smile and nods. "Okay." Peter whispered before Pryce pressed a kiss to his lips. "Love you." Peter turned to properly face him. Cupping his face before bringing him in for a longer kiss while Bryce linked his arms around his waist. "Love you too." Peter replied before the two made their way to the desk as Peter looked at the paperwork. He was going to be up for a while. That was until Bryce took a large amount of his stack and placed it in his stack. "Are you sure?" Peter asked as Bryce nodded. "It's fine. Besides, it's mostly stuff that would be targeted at me for now." Bryce said as Peter nodded before grabbing a file and started working on it while Bryce grabbed one. But as soon as he opened he started laughing his ass off. "What's so funny." Bryce pulled out a paper before handing it to him. On it written in black marker was the word useless. At least Peter assumed it was. It was barely legible. "Looks like Bok Su might've cut your work down for you." Peter gave a smile before letting out a sigh. That helped.    

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