Moving In

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Slight Trigger Warning for homophobia

Also would recommend listening to Me and the Devil by Soap&Skin during this chapter since I had it stuck in my head while writing it. (Especially near the end ;)


The sun hit his face as he walked out with a box holding the last of his clothes. It felt weird knowing he was moving his stuff to just across town. To the palace no less. Two guards were outside alongside Angelica and Forcas. "I can't believe you're leaving us." Angelica said as she brought Peter in for a hug. Practically squeezing him to death. "I'm just moving into the castle." Peter replied as Angelica let him go. "I know but still. You won't be helping us out anymore." Angelica said with a sigh. Peter gave a soft smile. "Hey I promise I'll visit." Peter said as Angelica gave him a bright smile. "Now are you two going to just stand there or are we going to get this stuff to the palace." Forcas replied sarcastically. The two smiled before getting up before the group made their way to the palace. A pair of guards right next to them. 

It felt odd having so many people look up at them. Several leaned over towards each other. Whispers flowed across the crowd, and Peter began to feel nervous. It felt odd having people stare at him. Once he would just blend into the crowd but since the cat was out of the bag everyone's eyes were on him. Peter did his best to ignore it. Hell he wasn't even sure what to do. Should he wave at them? Not helping was the buzz that happened the other day. The guards with them ignore it, so maybe he should too? "Are you doing okay?" Forcas asked as they finally made it past the crowd. "It feels a little awkward with everyone staring at me." Peter whispered. Forcas shrugged. "That's fair. Honestly I feel a little nervous about it too." Peter nodded as they finally approached the castle. Noticing a group of carriages with a dark and evil look to them. It wasn't until he saw a group of clergymen coming off did he realize what was going on. 

"Holy moly." Angelica muttered. "Your boyfriend must've been really pissed at them." Forcas said as Peter gave him a weird glance. He was about to protest before realizing he couldn't really say anything. Forcas gave a cheeky grin before stopping the wagon near the front. A few servants were waiting by the entrance and started unloading things. Forcas and Angelica assisted them, and Peter was about to. Reaching for a box before Forcas grabbed it for him. "I got it." He said, Peter raised a brow. "Are you sure?" Forcas nodded. "I know we let you pack up at your house, but I can see bits of purple on your back." Peter knew what he was talking about. One look in the mirror, and his legs and back looked awful. Purple and red had blossomed almost everywhere. It was actually rather difficult to do a lot of things right now. As a dull pain followed him with every movement. All of his stuff was grabbed and the group was walking up the steps. Then a loud shout caught their attention. 

"DROP HIS STUFF! HE'S A FAKE!!" One of the guards holding the clergyman slapped a hand over his mouth. Most of the servants gave him annoyed glances. Forcas even gave the guy the finger. While Angelica walked over and put a gentle hand on his shoulder. Careful not to grace anything over his back. "Ignore them. They're just jealous." Angelica said. "Or completely deranged." One of the servants said. She was a pale woman with jet black hair tied back in a ponytail. "I once had to go to that church. Those people are completely insane." She said as the group continued to Peter's room. He was rather thankful he didn't have to share a room with Bryce right away. Especially with sleeping being a decent pain. The servants placed his stuff down. "Where would you like it?" One of them asked, as Peter took a moment to process it. "Uh I'll take care of it." A few gave confused looks to one another. "Are you sure?" One of them asked. "Yes he's sure." The servant with the ponytail said. The group looked at her before all of them began to leave. "Are you sure you don't need help?" Angelica asked as the door closed. "Yeah, I'll be fine." Peter replied as he started to open one of the suitcases. 

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