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Heyyyyy I feel I should have clarified this in the first chapter but Peter is the name I choose to call Protag. Coworker is called Bryce. But you have it now.


A loud bang awoke Peter from his slumber. Causing him to shoot up. It was still dark out making everything look crappy in the dark. That's when he remembered what he was doing for work today. He slugged his way to the door taking a look out the window to see a tall familiar figure. He opened the door a peak to see a pair of yellow eyes. Though everything was blurry. "Good morning Peter." Forcas said as Peter gave a sleepy wave, and a smile. "Good morning, give me a second and I'll be ready." Forcas nodded as a neigh came from his side and slammed into his head. Peter shut the door before realizing that he had work right now. He quickly rushed into his room. Throwing on a shirt that was loose, a pair of pants that had been through a lot, and boots that went up to his knees. He rushed into his bathroom and made a quick brush through his hair before grabbing his bag and satchel, and rushing out to his door. "That was fast." Forcas said as Peter locked his door. Peter just shrugged. "Figured I overslept." Forcas shook his head. "Nah you're fine man." He replied. Now with his glasses Peter could see him much better. He had dark skin, white curly hair, with bandages over one of his yellow eyes. One of them already behind a pair of rectangular glasses like his. His dress was his usual one when he was working, a white peasant blouse with a pair of dark blue jeans, and black boots. A white horse that he was holding the reins to stood right next to him. It let out a neigh as Peter smiled. "Good morning to you two Aziraphale." Forcas wiped a bit of horse slobber off of his black trench coat. Peter laughed as he walked around to the side of the horse. Forcas got on first with Peter following after before the two were off. 

The journey was a long one as their farm was barely on the edge of the kingdom. Buildings became sparse as trees were all that was seen until eventually a large plain of vegetables came into view as the sun rose. The vegetables were separated by a gate. Pen's for animals, and a barn was visible right next to a nice one story house. Over by a pen of sheep was Angelica with a bag of feed. When she noticed the two men she waved as they entered the farm. "Good morning Peter. Do you need anything to eat?" Angelica asked as the two went over to the barn. It was only then did Peter realize how hungry he was. It would be better to eat than skip breakfast entirely before a hard day of labor. "Sure." Peter replied as he not so gracefully slid off of Aziraphale. While Forcas got off easier, putting the snow white horse back in its stall as Peter followed Angelica into the house. The house was rather simple. A large room had a kitchen set up at the right, while two couches near the door to the left while a table and four chairs were placed on the other side. Stuck in between them was a hallway entrance. Angelica walked over to the kitchen before returning with a plate of an egg and bacon sandwich. Peter took it with a smile before trying not to wolf down the sandwich in front of her. He finished as Forcas entered the home. He hung his trench coat on a hook by the door. Giving Peter a look at the back to reveal a pair of wings stitched into the back of the coat. "So y'all ready?" Angelica and Peter nodded as he placed his satchel on an empty hook before the two joined Forcas outside. 

Spending all day picking vegetables, and placing them in wheelbarrows, before bringing them back over to the barn to sort into buckets, and bags ready to be brought to the palace. The sun shone down on them as they did so. The heat was almost unbearable, and by the time it was halfway up the sun all three of them were sweating. They took a lunch break. All three of them chugging several glasses of water. Angelica had also been wearing a shirt, and pants, but had now changed into a sundress. Forcas had taken off his shirt, and while Peter was tempted to take his shirt off he wouldn't dare. He didn't want any risk of them seeing his soulmate mark. Even if they were his friends, he was scared to show it. More hours went by, and the sun was getting lower and lower. By now they had a large amount of vegetables gathered in the barn. And loading up most of this in the cart. While Peter was looking around for more bags. They had a big order to fill and they needed all the bags and containers. Digging under hay bales before eventually coming across another sack, hanging on a stray nail among a rack of tools. Peter grabbed it but it didn't come loose. Peter scowled as he tugged at it, but it still didn't budge. He kept tugging before it eventually came loose with him failing down with it, and the tools as well. 

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