The Prince

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Peter felt his heart pound as the clanking of hooves among the brick road. Stuck on the edge with Forcas stuck between the two. A large wooden wagon filled to the brim of vegetables acted as their coach. Peter felt his stomach drop as they passed the gates. His eyes scattered over all of the guards. If any of them found out he was toast. Though he was minorly relieved they were just going to the delivery entrance. Though Peter still feared running into any unwanted attention. But when arriving he was relieved only to see a guard, some servants, and a few other farmers with their deliveries. Peter got off the cart as a different servant came out. Her uniform was much more refined than as she approached with a sweet smile. "Hello, which farm are you?" "The Vegetable one." Forcas replied pointing to the cart. The head servant seemed a little embarrassed but just shrugged it off. "Oh wonderful. Some of the other servants will help you unload. All you have to do is follow the palace servants and place them in the hall." The three nodded as they did just that. The inside for the hall was a rather simple, blue tiled floor that led over to the kitchen where several chefs were hard at work making some kind of feast for the ball tomorrow. Though Peter's attention was drawn to a pair of doors that were left open leaving the palace ballroom visible. Peter didn't know why but he was tempted to walk out there. As if being called. It was a similar feeling to when he first moved here. And even now it felt as if several voices were calling to him. 

"Are you alright Peter?" Angelica asked, snapping Peter out of trance he didn't know he was in. "Yeah, sorry." He replied as he continued to help with bringing vegetables inside. Soon almost the entire cart was emptied. Peter felt a bit bad about not going into that area. As if he was destined to go back there. Yet he doubted he would have an opportunity. Until a loud ruckus caught his attention as he was placing another bin down. The next thing he saw was a horse on the loose, and several people calming their own. It was a nice distraction for just enough time to take a peak. That was all. He made his way quickly and quietly before leaning out. Nothing was there. It was odd, surely something had to be here. Why else was he drawn out over here? He stepped into the area. His footsteps echoing on the tile floor. Nothing, except him. Or so he thought as a piercing voice shouted from the other end. "What do you think you are doing?" Peter nearly had a heart attack then and there as he looked over to see a tall woman with brownish gray hair, and in an exquisite staff uniform. Peter raised a brow. "I beg your pardon?" He asked as the woman's face became more enraged. "Is this how you speak to your superiors?" She shouted as it dawned on Peter what she thought. "Oh I'm sorry I don't work here. I'm with one of the delivery groups," "I have heard enough of that excuse!" She shouted as Peter took a step back. She grabbed his wrist so harsh he swore she was going to cut off circulation. "You all think just because some delivery groups are here you can take that as an excuse to be lazy. Well listen here you," "You what?" A deep voice said from behind him. Both froze but the woman held her ground. "Well you see, your highness this servant decided to lie about working here. I was just going to." "He said he doesn't work here. Right." Her grip loosened letting Peter move his hand back. Massaging his wrist. As he looked to see the woman minorly terrified. 

"Well." "Well! He said he didn't work here. I'm sure you would be able to identify an employee who worked here. If not, you are not worthy of your high position." The man shouted as he stepped forward. "Sire." "Shut it. I don't want to hear your excuse Margret! You have been cruel towards our staff. Now get back to work." The woman nodded before scampering off. "Thank you." Peter said as he looked to his side to be met with the man's chest. Was everyone here tall? As he looked up he was met face to face with the prince. Peter could admit he was attractive, but actually being this close was rather shocking. Then it crossed his mind. He could've been drawn over here because of Bryce. "Not a problem, I am sorry you had to put up with that." Was this a joke? Bryce was none for being rather narcissistic, and not caring that much and here he was being nice? "What are you speechless that you're face to face with me?" Ah there it was. "I guess. I should get back to my friends." Peter muttered, his heart rapidly pounding in his chest. "Hey!" Peter turned back rather confused. Bryce's smile faded into more of an awkward look. "Uhm I don't think I've ever seen you around. What's your name?" "Peter." He replied quietly. Bryce nodded as a question popped into Peter's mind. "How do you know I haven't lived here for long?" Peter asked as Bryce stared at him for a few seconds. Peter looked down to his neck. Barely visible above the collar of the shirt was his mark. The flames, and top fourth of the heart was over it. The same mark that was stuck on his shoulder. Bryce shrugged. "Well I don't think I've ever seen anyone here with blue hair." Peter pulled a strand out to be reminded of his hair color. "Right. Well it was nice to meet you, your highness." Peter said as he began walking away. "Likewise." He heard Bryce say before their footsteps became further away from each other. When he returned he saw Forcas and Angelica waiting by the cart. Both had a concerned look before noticing him. 

"Peter! Where were you?" Angelica asked Peter perked up, realizing what had happened. "Oh I was putting up the rest of the veggies. Both of them looked at you before shrugging it off. "Well we're all done. Are you ready to go?" Forcas asked as Peter nodded. "Yeah." He whispered as the trio left. The cart almost the entire way his mind processed what had happened. A lot of what he had known about the prince was that he was confident, narcissistic, and he was being shy in front of him. A pair of fingers snapped in front of his face. Peter blinked before turning to see Forcas and Angelica with concerned looks. "Are you okay Peter? You've been acting off." Peter kept his face straight before turning back to the two. "I want to go to the ball." Both let out a gasp. "Let's Fucking Go!" Forcas shouted as big smiles were on their faces. "What changed your mind?" Peter shrugged. "I guess I just want to see something." The two looked at each other with a knowing look. "Well you're more than welcome to join us. Especially if you need us to be wing people for your soulmate." Peter sighed. "That's a bit of a problem. I don't have anything to wear, and also there is nothing I really can wear that shows my mark, and I don't want to be shirtless in front of him. Also I'm not really sure I want him to know that I'm his soulmate. Like I want him to know, but I don't want him to know." Peter muttered as the two looked at each other. Both of them knew that even combined they may not be able to afford Peter a full outfit. All three sulked as there weren't many options. Then Angelica perked up. "I have an idea." Both men looked at her waiting for her to go on. "It's a crazy one, and I don't know if you would be comfortable, but..." Peter nearly blacked out all of her words. This was the most crazy shit he heard. But maybe it could work. It would provide the best way to tell him, but give him an easy way to remain anonymous. "So what do you think?" Peter took a deep breath.

Bryce watched as the cart moved down the road. Watching it as far as he could from the balcony he was stationed at. He wasn't sure why, but something urged him to go down stairs. He found himself intrigued by the male. He seemed so annoyed by his presence, and yet Bryce wanted to know more about him. He wasn't entirely sure why. Perhaps it was because he was, Bryce shook that thought. He knew even if he was fine with it. He knew the possibility was slim. Even though he had the absolute support of the kingdom, and his parents, fate may not have that in mind. Yet even though the likelihood was low, there was always a chance. He would just have to wait and see.  

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