Religious Trauma

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Trigger Warning: Violence, and religion

Disclaimer: This is not an accurate depiction of churches. I understand that some churches are really bad. (Like 90% of them) But there are some good eggs, anyways without further ado, you story.


The square was as busy as ever, and yet today many didn't seem to want to buy vegetables today. Much to Peter's despair. He had barely slept at all that night. Spending his evening crying until almost no tears were left to cry. Passing out in the early hours of the morning, and not getting much sleep. He was already minorly used to functioning with little sleep. "Hey are you doing okay? You look like you didn't sleep at all." Angelica asked. Peter didn't look at her. "I'm fine." He said it was a lie. Why had he done that? Was it guilt getting at his back? Finally bursting to the surface? Bryce must hate him now. He might as well throw out any hope of ever having anything with his soulmate. Then something changed in the crowd of people. They scampered off to the sides. Some with fear in their eyes, others with disgust and annoyance, and yet some seemed neutral, even pleased about it. Something didn't feel right about this. Peter looked around but there were only four guards in the square. Where were all the others? Several men in church robes walked, some carrying a large clawfoot bathtub. Peter had to blink twice and rub his eyes. 

"Am I dreaming?" He asked as he looked over at Angelica who had an angry expression. "Unfortunately, no." Angelica muttered as a man who seemed to be the leader of it all stood on top of the fountain ledge. "Here ye, here ye, our grand lord has asked for everyone to have a chance at faith. Please, come bathe in his salvation." "Speak like a normal person." Peter had to hold back a laugh at the random women who shouted at them. The presumed priest seemed to have an annoyed look before clearing his voice. "We're having public baptisms now!" A few people rushed over with excitement while many kept moving around just ignoring them, though they were much further away now. Honestly Peter wondered why not just bless the water in the fountain? That would be easier than just carrying a full bathtub with holy water. "Is this something they do often?" Peter asked as he looked over at Angelica. "Thankfully no, but it's going to get worse." Peter figured it would be like that, knowing most churches. Though he was curious as to how. He got his answer as soon as the last willing participant was done. He would notice members of the church scattered throughout the crowd walking and talking with people guiding them towards the area near the tub. The person would fight back before eventually giving in to the members and getting baptized. "What the fuck." Peter muttered. "Yeah, and what sucks is the guards won't do anything about it." She said before eyeing a pair of guards near their both. Just watching, though there was a sense of uneasiness in their gaze as they watched. Eventually they got one customer with a small child. Something to keep Peter's mind off of everything. When she walked away Peter hoped they wouldn't be ensnared in the church's trap. 

"Oh!" Angelica said as she held up a small toy. "I'll return it to them." Peter said and without another word he rushed off. "Ma'am, excuse me you dropped this." Peter said as he reached them. "My doll!" The girl exclaimed. "Oh thank you." The woman said as Peter rushed off back towards the booth. About halfway there he was stopped by a church member. He was about to move around them when he bumped. Into another, it was only then did he realize he was surrounded. "Ah young sir come up, and embrace the lord." "No thank you, I've already been baptized." Peter replied as he tried to force his way past one of the men. Yet he could not. "Oh please, that's what they all say." Another person said as he was grabbed by his arms. Peter began to put up a struggle. As he was slowly dragged to the tub. He looked over at Angelica who was arguing with the guards pointing over at him. Peter felt a bit happy that she was standing up for him, but still neither of them could do much as Peter was practically dragged to the tub. Peter fought against it as best as he could. Using his hands to hold him up by the rims. Yet the church members were persistent, and with almost everyone against him he soon fell down into the tub with a loud splash. Making sure his hand was over his glasses as he did. He sat up with a loud gasp of air before slinking out. 

"Happy?" He asked, annoyed before noticing a stunned face on the priest. "My child! What have you been doing?" Peter was confused before looking back at the water, noticing a slight tan color in it. "My child you have a god who loves you and yet you've chosen to go down a line of sin." "Pardon?" Peter asked as the group grew closer. It was only then did he realize what they were referring to. Before he could say anything he was slapped in the face. The force knocked him over by the fountain. By now the guards and Angelica were rushing over. Two members reached over and held her down. "Go get the prince!" One shouted as they tried to force their way past the group as another rushed off in the direction of the palace. Without another word Peter was grabbed by the collar of his shirt. "You don't have a band on your hand, and you have had sex you absolute slut." With that Peter was thrown into the fountain. Before he made contact with the water he looked back at Angelica. Blood dripped down from her nose as her eyes glowed white. "LET HIM GO!" She screamed in a shrill voice before all Peter could hear was the sound of water rushing.

The batch of pink pigs covered in mood all rushed the bin where feed was being poured into. All squealing in delight as they munched on the food. Forcas placed the sack down before he felt a pain in his right eye his feet levitated off of the ground. He could see Peter being shoved into the water before hearing Angelica. "LET HIM GO!" Forcas lifted a finger before letting out a whistle. Peter and Angelica were in trouble. As he landed on Azriphale's back. "GO BOY!" He shouted while slamming the reins. A bad feeling brewing in his gut.

He let out a loud gasp as he tried to tear away from the hand's gripping onto him. As he was dunked into the water again. By now some people were starting to get into the fountain in order to help him but the group made another circle almost completely encapsulating them. By now his glasses were completely lost in the current of the water. The thug followed by a grunt was heard as a carrot hit the priest. Peter saw this as his chance. With the loose grip he managed to break free from two of the three people holding him down. The other still had a strong grip on his shirt and as he took off sprinting he heard a harsh tear in the fabric. Finally the person let go. As Peter looked back to his oppressors. A loud gasp admitted from several of the members while Peter took on a fighting stance. He may not know how to fight but he sure as hell would try. The people didn't move for a few moments. "You think just because you have a mark on your shoulder doesn't mean you have to obey God?" Peter froze in terror. His anger fading quickly as he could see several blurry bodies crowding nearby. They could all see it and there was nowhere to hide. 

"You ought to let him go now!" A guard shouted, still trying to make his way past the group. The priest scoffed. "It's a fake. We all know our royal highness would never love some slut like him." With that Peter was kicked to the ground from behind. Soon more people joined in. Peter curled up in a ball. Putting his hands over his head as blow after blow came. Vicious vile words flowed from his abusers. Mixing together until they meant nothing. Minutes seemed to go by before suddenly they stopped with the thud of footsteps. "STOP!" A familiar voice shouted. Peter dared not to look up. He didn't want to move. Afraid the blows would start again. "What on Earth do you think you are doing?" Bryce demanded . "Your majesty, we were teaching this man a lesson. You see he has a tattoo of your soulmate mark. Alongside that the hickies on his neck would imply he is a man whore." A loud slap rang through the town. "Your church has pulled this stunt every single time when someone else is in charge of dealing with your bullshit, and you think you can get away with it every single time. This bullshit will not happen again because by god I will make sure it is disbanded. Especially after harming MY soulmate!" 

Several gasps came from the crowd followed by whispers. Peter slowly got up. His body was slightly shaking and he wasn't sure if it was because he was wet and cold, or if it was from the beating. Then a jacket was draped over him. The green color told him everything but he had to be sure as he looked up his glasses were slipped onto his face. Allowing him to clearly see Bryce's concerned face. All the guilt he had felt came flooding back as Peter looked away. Attempting to hold back tears. He didn't have a reaction when Bryce touched him. When he picked him up bridal style and got on his horse. Thudding footsteps caught his attention as he looked to see Forcas arriving on Aziraphale. Quickly jumping off of his stead and rushing over to Angelica. "ANGELICA! Are you and Peter alright?!" Forcas asked as he placed his hands on her shoulders as she had now been let go. Aside from her bloody nose she was just fine. He looked back up at him, and yet he couldn't bring a smile to his face. Bryce pointed over to a group of guards. "You five search, their house. The gown and shoes should be there." With that the two took off, and Peter wasn't sure if he should be scared or happy.

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