The Ball

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Peter's heart was racing as the trio walked up with the large group of guests. All dressed in the finest of outfits they could gather. Mask making it harder to tell who was who. Peter felt like an odd one out. Dressed in a fine dress, compared to the other men. Unconsciously he made sure more of the locks were covering his soulmate mark. His eyes glancing over at the guards. None of them eyed him with suspicion. Just giving a smile as they walked into the palace. The grand ballroom was truly alive. With everyone talking around.

At the center were several couples dancing elegantly to the tunes of the grand orchestra set in front of the thrones. The king and queen watched with happiness.The trio made their way over to one of the tables with delectable treats. He could make out Angelica's gloved hand reaching for a treat before handing it over to him. Peter took it, bringing it close to his face to see it was a fancy sandwich of some kind. Peter took a bite and nodded.

"Not half bad." He said before feeling self conscious about his voice. He could really make it higher pitch without it sounding fake. "Do you think my voice is too deep?" Peter asked as he saw blurry movement from the two of them. "I can't see y'all's movement." Peter said. "Oh right." Forcas muttered. "No." "Besides deep voice females do exist." Peter nodded with some relief. Munching on the food as one song changed to another. Angelica let out a loud gasp. "I love this song! Forcas come on, we got to dance." "Bye Angel we'll be back!" Forcas shouted as the two slipped away into the crowd of blurry figures. He let out a contempt sigh. At least Forcas got the fake name right. For some reason Peter also wished to head to the dance floor. Despite not having a partner, he resisted the urge. The last time he was drawn to an area he got in trouble. Not to mention Bryce was there. Maybe Bryce was on the dance floor? Peter wasn't short by any means, but with the crowd of people, and his glasses off it was hard to make out any figure that was Bryce.

Maybe he would just wait for him to find him. Though that was made difficult by a harsh chuckle from a man as someone brushed right against him. Peter took a step to the side as he looked over at the blurry figure with disgust. "Some friends those are. Leaving a pretty lady like you all by yourself." His voice was sleazy, and raspy. Peter couldn't help but feel as if he was being sized up. Unfortunately all he could tell was that his suit was a bright orange. "Excuse me?" Peter replied feeling disgusted. Is this something women had to put up with? The man scoffed. "Your voice is too deep. I'm sure I can help it go higher." He said as Peter felt strong hands on his arm as he was pulled closer to this man. He could smell wine, and garlic on his breath. Making Peter want to gag. He pulled his arm out of the grasp. "What the hell! Leave me alone!" Peter shouted though barely anyone paid any mind as he began to walk off back towards the entrance. He could hear heavy footsteps following him. Peter began to slip through the crowd. Slipping by people as best as he could trying to lose the creepy man. This was going to be a pain as he could not see where they were through the crowd of people. He did turn around hoping to see the blurry orange suit he was wearing yet there was nothing. As he turned back forward he bumped straight into someone's forearm. "Sorry." He muttered before walking around the person.

"Wait!" A hand poked his back. Peter turned around. Squinting his eyes hoping for something to be clearer. Though he could make out blonde hair, and a green suit. Then the voice hit him. It was Prince Bryce. "Have we met before?" He asked as Peter began to sweat. "Uh no I don't believe we have." At least his vision could be used as an excuse for not recognizing him. Bryce did not say anything for a few seconds. In turn that made Peter nervous. Only adding to it was him seeing flashes of orange moving through the crowd. "Well in that case I am Bryce." Every last bit of judgment and anxiety fled him as he grabbed Bryce's hand. "Nice to meet you, let's go dance." Peter said before dragging him further into the crowd. "Woah okay." Bryce replied, but it wasn't until they arrived at the dance floor did he panic. Why did he do that? He didn't even know how to dance. "You good?" Bryce asked, still holding onto Peter's hand. "I was just trying to get away from some creep. I don't actually know how to dance. Sorry." Peter muttered as he tried to let go of Bryce's hand. Bryce kept a grip on it. "Hey, just because you don't know how to, doesn't mean you can't." Before Peter could say anything more he was dragged onto the dance floor with Bryce. One hand placed on his waist. Out of nervousness Peter placed his free hand on his shoulder. The music was more gentle now. The universe really was trying to push it on him right now huh? "His eyes looked down at their feet. Doing his best to follow the steps of Bryce. "Hey eyes up here if you want to dance properly." Peter's gaze snapped up to his.

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