Time To Party

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Peter looked back in the mirror. Taking a deep breath as his eye went away from his well styled hair down to his shoulder. The mark visible above the sparky top he was wearing. Having his measurements taken felt awkward. A person close touching his body stripped down to his undergarments. Now his top was completed. A halter top decorated with glitter and gems in white and blue. It worked similarly to a shirt except it had a tail coat that ended at his knees. Showing the dark blue slacks he was wearing with healed matching boots. Peter brought his hand up to his necklace. It blended in rather well with his outfit. Yet it felt odd looking at himself. Sure nothing had changed about him, yet he felt like he was looking at someone else. Peter took in a shaky breath as he left his room. Outside in the hall was Bryce. While he was wearing a usual suit, the shirt collar was lower leaving his soulmate mark out in the open. He took quick notice of Peter giving him a bright smile. 

"Hey." He said as Peter left. "Hey. How many people are here already?" Bryce shrugged. "A small crowd of family friends including Angelica and Forcas." Peter relaxed as Bryce held his hand. "You do look lovely tonight." He said, causing a small flush to appear on Peter's face. "Thank you. You look handsome." Bryce turned a light pink. "Thank you, love." Bryce pressed a kiss to his cheek. Peter quickly gave him another one. "Now shall we go?" He asked as Bryce nodded before the two made their way to the ballroom. Peter could feel the nerves jumbled up inside. Each step made him fear entering the room. As doing that meant finally showing everyone his face. Finally revealing that he was Bryce's soulmate. Was he really ready for that? The doors opened as the two walked down the stairs. Immediately all eyes turned to them. Bryce gave his hand a small squeeze. Peter looked over at him. Bryce was almost always confident, but in his eyes Peter could see a hint of nervousness. That was rather unlike Bryce. Yet it eased Peter a bit to know his partner also had similar nerves. Now they were standing in front of the crowd as some people came up to them. Greeting Bryce and introducing themselves to Peter. He was quite surprised to learn that several of them were from the middle class rather than higher classes or different kingdoms. Eventually someone tapped his shoulder. Causing him to be met with his two white haired friends. 

"Hey man." Forcas said as Peter gave a bright smile before quickly wrapping the two in a hug. "Oh my god!" Angelica looked his top up and down. "Your top is so great." Peter gave an embarrassed smile. "Thank you. I don't know how to feel about it." Peter muttered as the two gave him a reassuring smile. "Hey, it's just for tonight. Besides I'm sure your boyfriend would be willing to lend you his jacket if you get cold. Peter rolled his eyes alongside Angelica. "Really?" Forcas let out a hearty laugh before calming down. "Anyways how have things been since moving in?" "Actually pretty calm. Though there is still a lot of work." Peter explained as he rubbed his neck. "I figured as much. Helping to run a kingdom is a lot of work." Peter nodded. "Yeah. Anyways, how have y'all been?" Angelica gave a happy smile. "Good. We recently had one of our pigs give birth to a new set of pigs, and since the mom doesn't want to care for one guess who gets to care for it?" Peter could see the excitement brewing on Angelica's face. She had always been rather patient about nature, and animals in general. Peter was sure if she could magically talk to the animals she would run off into the woods and be a forest guardian. "You?" Forcas lovingly ruled his eyes as Angelica squealed. "Yes." She said before letting out a sigh. "I would've snuck him in if I could. Anyways, I named him Wilbur after Charlotte's Web." Peter couldn't help but smile as Angelica rambled on about her new piglet. 

He ended up spending most of the night talking to the two. Though a few others came up and chatted with the group. Especially as the night became more busy. More people wanted to know who the prince's boyfriend was. All was going well until one person came up. Peter recognized her as one of the people who had faked his mark. "Hello, so you're the prince's soulmate?" If he was not mistaken he swore he heard a bit of jealousy in her voice. Peter pretended to be oblivious to it. "Yes." She nodded. "You know I never expected the prince to pick a man. Especially if they want the bloodline to continue. Though I suppose you cut off your tits a long time ago." Peter was taken aback. "Excuse me?" He asked, looking over at Angelica and Forcas. Angelica was extending an arm out as Forcas looked furious. She looked over at Forcas and mouthed "Don't." Peter was thankful he didn't want to cause a scene. Not right here, not right now. "Well I mean you wore a dress when he first met you. No man would wear a dress so obviously you had to be one of those trans people." Peter's mouth curled into a snarl. Forget about Forcas causing a scene. Some people were already staring at them. She had a smug look to her as some whispers started going around. Though Peter would not have it. He would not have it. He would not be embarrassed right now. "You have no right to speak about me like that. I am not trans, but even then that is just disrespectful to people who are. If you speak to me like that again you will be kicked out of this event." By now almost all eyes were on them. In a way Peter didn't like. 

"Now if you excuse me I have to go." Peter said before walking past her and moving through the crowd. Just wishing to be alone. Moving through the grand hall and into the west garden. Walking over to the spot where he and Bryce had shared the first kiss. He needed to be alone for a few minutes. His hands shook as he sat on a bench. It felt so odd to be as stern as he was. What confidence had gotten into him recently. Then he recalled Bryce talking about power, and using it. Then he recalled her face. Her shock at his words. The small fear in her eyes. She thought she could embarrass him and it failed. He was now royalty, he could take back anything, and she couldn't do anything now. It was interesting and it made him feel powerful. "Hello Peter." That voice. Peter knew it immediately, and suddenly all the confidence he felt was ripped away as he shot up. Snapping his head over to a couple in front of him. A elderly man and woman. The man had tan skin, and deep blue eyes that matched his. While the women had his deep blue hair. Peter shook his head not wanting to believe the sight in front of him. The man adjusted his glasses. "What's wrong Peter? Don't you recognize your own parents?"  

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