pretty little skirt

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this one's pretty horny, I'm sorry

Zach rings on Jack's doorbell. He fixes his hair one last time and makes sure his outfit looks flawless.

The door opens, revealing Ava. She looks at him up and down and huffs. "Damn, can I take you out instead?"

Zach chuckles. "Unfortunately, I have plans with your brother. Next time, though." He reassures.

She chuckles. "Come on in, Jack's probably doing his hair or something." Ava steps aside.

The two laugh quietly.

"Would you mind if I went to his room?"

"Make yourself at home, really."

Zach nods and goes to Jack's room. He sits on the edge of his bed as he waits for him.

Now that he notices it, Jack's room is really cute. It has a vision board hung on the wall, and cute little glow-in-the-dark stars on his ceiling. A few of his pictures as a child and a few sports prizes he won in high school.

A shirtless Jack finally steps in his room and pauses when he sees Zach. "You're... here." He seems a bit taken aback. "Am I late?" Jack checks his wristwatch.

"You're not late." He reassures."You're Jack." He giggles at his own dad joke. "No, but really. I came in a bit early." His eyes are seemingly stuck on his torso.

The curly head nods and takes him in. A cute baby blue t-shirt carefully tucked in... oh god. Jack has finally met his demise. Zach is wearing a white pleaded skirt. His legs are on full display and seemingly shaved. Utterly fantastic legs, really. Even his thighs are on display. Oh, what a treat.

Jack clears his throat and moves to his closet to find a shirt. He takes this as the perfect occasion to adjust himself in his pants. How he has only just now figured out he's into men is beyond him. Or maybe he's just into Zach in specific.

"What if it was this one?" Zach suggests, now much closer than what Jack had ever imagined. He was holding a short sleeved white button-up shirt.

"I love that shirt." He smiles as he grabs it to put it on. Jack leaves around three buttons undone, and Zach fixes his collars for him.

Jack wraps an arm around his waist and tugs him to his chest. As much as he wants to, his hand doesn't dare move any lower. He places a chaste kiss on his lips. "Thank you."

Zach smiles and cups his face. "It's no big deal, I want you looking good."He smiles.

The curly head leans in. Gosh, he smells always so nice. Still, that vanilla aroma that one of these days will drive him absolutely insane. Zach connects their lips together and kisses him as he smiles. "Uhm, you taste of... toothpaste." He giggles in between.

Jack feels himself melt. "You taste of chocolate. And you didn't even offer me any." He teases, placing another kiss on his lips.

Zach chuckles. "I had a mocha before coming upstairs." He confesses before returning to kiss him.

He hums into it, enjoying how easy everything is with Jack. He pulls him closer by the waist, and Zach moves his hand to go lower and rest on his butt.

Jack takes the chance to hold onto that glorious ass. He can feel that he's not wearing anything but his underwear underneath it. He gives his butt a firm squeeze, making him blush and laugh quietly into the kiss.

They part the kiss before it becomes too heated. "We should, uhm... get going." Jack suggests.

Zach nods and straightens his skirt.

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