growing up too fast

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Jack paces around the sidewalk as he waits for his boyfriend to arrive from work. He parks his car, and Jack picks him up over the shoulder to carry him.

"Jack, you're not carrying me for three flights of stairs!" He squirms. He sets him down and tugs him upstairs.

Zach is dragged to the living room and sat between Isla and Kristin.

"Okay, what is this all about?"Kristin asks.

Jack takes out a letter from his back pocket. The coat of arms of Edinboro University could be seen. Zach holds to Kristin's hand. He opens it and hands it to Kristin.

"Dear Jack Robert Avery, on behalf of the Edinboro University of Business, we are -"Kristin feels herself tear up, "pleased to inform you that you have been admitted."

Jack smiles widely. "I got in." He murmurs.

All of them immediately stand up to hug him tightly. Echoes of I'm so proud of you, oh Jack, that's amazing, and you deserve it so much jumped around in the living room.

Jack hugged each and every single one of them tightly, tears streaming down his face. Zach was the last. He picked him up with the sheer strength of his hug. "I'm so proud of you, baby." He whispers.

"Thank you." He sniffs.

Jack wipes his tears of happiness and looks at them. "I-I want to keep living here." He affirms. "Until Zach and I find an apartment, at least." He sniffs.

Zach holds his hand and gives him a little squeeze. "We've been talking about moving in together." He confirms. "I'll be tutoring some kids to make some extra money. Jack did the math, and if we save up for three more months, we can do it."

Kristin smiles. "I wouldn't want my boy moving in with anyone else." She opens her arms and hugs them tightly.

Once they part, Kristin rests a hand on Jack's face. "You're growing up a bit too fast." She caresses his face and looks at Zach. "You take care of my baby."

He nods. "I will, Kristin. No matter what."

She turns to her son once more. "You take care of my son."

Jack nods. "I will."

Zach wipes his tears. "Let's celebrate, shall we?" He smiles.


The curly head tugs his lover to the hallway. "I wanna take you to a place." He smiles softly.

"Is it too far away? The cake is still baking, honey."

Jack shakes his head. "I'll tell Ava to check it. Can you get me my things?"

He nods and presses a kiss onto his cheek before going to grab his things. The two quickly head downstairs, and Jack drives them to a flower shop. He parks the car and the two head out.

They hold hands as Jack leads him inside. The bell rings, alerting the florist.

The middle-aged woman smiles when she sees him."Oh darling, you're only supposed to come by tomorrow." She perks up when she sees Zach. "Is this the peony boy?"

He nods with a small smile. "This is my mom's best friend, Lola. Lola, this is my boyfriend, Zach." He introduces them.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Lola." He smiles.

The woman grabs a pink rose, takes out its thorns, and hands it to Zach. "A pretty rise for a handsome man." She nudges Jack with her hand. "Nice choice." She winks.

Jack wraps an arm around him as he looks into his eyes. "I'd say it's the perfect choice."

He blushes lightly and nudges him. "Did we come here just so you could tell her I'm your boyfriend?" He mumbles.

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