thanK you AImee

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648 words

this one kinda sucks, but i tried.

taylor's pov:
i just finished wrapping up the show with karma and went backstage to change and see travis. "good job babygirl!" he said and wrapped his arms around my waist for a much needed long hug.

"thanks trav. i love youuu" i said, giving him a quick kiss on the lips when i hear a knock on the door. it's probably tree.

"hey uh taylor, i've gotta a question if you have a minute right now." she said, putting a concerned face on a looked at her. "kim is here, she wants to come backstage to meet you." she said. i didn't respond.

after everything kim and kanye had done to me in the past, the thought of them made me sick to my stomach. but maybe she's better now? maybe she just wants to make things right between us.

"you alright tay?" she asked from my delayed reaction. "oh-.. uh yeah. tell kim she can say hi in a little bit, just please.. make it quick." i said, just incase she had bad intentions.

"got it." she said, closing the door behind her. "you sure babygirl? she's not known for being the nicest person." he said, pulling me into his lap.

"i know, i know. but what if she changed? maybe she just wants to be nice or apologize?" i shrug, because people change all the time.

"good point. i love that you give people second chances, it's very sweet." he smiles, placing a kiss on my temple.

plus, if i said no, it would turn into some huge world wide deal, making me out to be the villain of the story as always.

after a few moments pass, i hear a knock on the door. it's kim. "hi taylor!" she says, with a smile and in a happy peppy voice, as if we've been close friends for a decade.

"hey! how's everything going?" i ask, trying to make small talk, but not trying to make anything awkward.

"it's good, pretty good. i just wanted to come back here and say sorry. for everything." she said, which i genuinely hadn't expected from her.

"thanks kim." i nod as if it wasn't a big deal, but her words hurt me so much in the past, i don't even want to remember it or even think about it.

"i know i did some pretty shitty stuff to you, and made awful choices. but i really do admire your music and your work, it's really awesome." she smiles.

"aw thanks kim, that means everything." i say, leaning in for a quick friendly hug.

"well, i'll let you guys get back to whatever you're doing. thanks for not being rude about taylor, you're a wonderful person." she says while walking out of the room.

"thanks kim, bye!" i say, as she closes the door and walks away.

she apologized. she really did it. seven years ago she did awful things to me, but she's finally apologizing and owning up to her mistakes.

we both know what she did wasn't right, but it takes courage to own up and confess your mistakes, especially to someone you have issues with.

but i'm really glad we're good now, i'm hoping the world will finally drop the whole thing. it's silly to hold grudges like that, i don't want to judge someone's entire personality based off of one thing they did to me years ago, even if it hurt.


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