pretty isnt pretty enough

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travis's pov:
i just finished football practice and decided to stop for some food on the way home. i tried to avoid fast food when i could, but i was really in the mood for it tonight.

i wasn't sure if taylor had eaten dinner yet, so i decided to text her and ask if she wanted me to pick some food up for her.

me: hey baby! i just finished practice. i'm gonna stop at the yummy burger place for some food, do you want anything?

taylor: no, i'm good.

me: are you sure? have you eaten dinner yet?

taylor: yes.

i thought it was a little weird that she didn't want anything, considering it was her favorite place at the moment. but i guess she just wasn't in the mood for it today.

i picked up the food and got back on the road and drove to the house. "hi tay!" i say as i open the door and set the bag of food on the counter. where's taylor?

she's usually waiting near the door for me. hm, i guess maybe she's just tired. "tay? babygirl?" i say as a i search the house for here.

i walked into our bedroom and notice she was sound asleep on the bed. "oh hi travis" she murmured, still half asleep. "hi darling, i missed you." i said gently.

"i missed you too, how was practice?" she asked while propping herself up on the bed. "it was pretty good, do you wanna come eat with me?"

"uh yeah sure." she said quickly. i helped her to her feet and we walked down to the kitchen together and sat at the table.

"what'd you eat for dinner?" i asked. "oh, uh just some leftovers." she said hesitantly. i could tell she was lying, she wasn't a great liar to begin with, but it was quite obvious.

"are you sure? there's not dishes in the sink." i ask. "well- i, i washed them already." she said while biting her lip.

"please don't lie to be taylor, i promise i wont get mad at you." i promised. "fine, i just want to maybe drop a couple pounds i guess." she admitted.

"oh baby, how long has this been going on? what made you want to do this?" i asked. "i don't know. just a few weeks i guess, there's so many videos online saying i look pregnant, or bloated and i fucking hate it." she said while clinging on to me.

"hey hey don't cry love. we'll get through this together." i say while trying to comfort her. "but i don't want to gain any weight!" she quietly said.

"i don't want you to have to go through another eating disorder tay, i know it must suck. i promise we can and will get through this together."

"i just don't even know anymore. like what's the point of even trying if people are just gonna call me stupid fat and ugly." she complained. "who cares what people think, they're just jealous of you."

"no they aren't, that's stupid." she protested. "even if it is stupid, you still need to eat babygirl, you can't just skip meals."

"i know." she said. "hey, how about we split my burger and fries for dinner, or do you want something else?" i offered.

"i'll just have some salad or something" she mumbled. "are you eating that because that's what you actually want? or will you still be hungry later, you need to listen to you're body, not other people."

"fine, i'll have a little of the burger, and a salad too." she agreed to. "that's great, let's eat?"

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