happy endings

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taylor's pov:
i do not know what travis is up too but i don't think it's good. i feel like he's just been so distant from me, and keeping some sort of secret. i really don't to assume the worst, but i think he might be cheating.

i don't know who, where, when or what, but i'm trying to not get ahead of myself, maybe i'm just overthinking it. i hope so, i really do love him and would hate that he felt like he needed to cheat.

he told me he would be home around 6:45, so i started making dinner around 6, but it's currently a few minutes past 7 and it's just me and the cats, and he didn't even bother to send me a text.

travis's pov:
my stupid phone isn't connecting to the internet at the jewelry store, and i can't get my text though to taylor.

today i met up with selena because she was one of taylor's closest friends, i needed help picking out a wedding ring.

we ended up on deciding on a gorgeous pink diamond ring, she will love it. i'm planning to propose tomorrow night and needed to get the ring as soon as possible.

after receiving the ring, i quickly headed home. selena offered to drive me back, i accepted her offer.

since the jewelry store was only 15 minutes away from the house, i was hoping taylor wouldn't be too suspicious of my late arrival.

i tucked the ring box in my coat pocket and i quickly hop out of selena's car and thank her before shutting the door.

"hey baby! sorry i'm late." i said, walking in the door, she didn't respond. "i tried to text you but my phone signal wasn't working." i tried to explain. "sure. of course it didn't." she mumbled, taking a bite of chicken.

i decided to not start a fight, in 24 hours from now it would all make sense. "dinner was delicious, thank you babygirl." i say, putting my plate in the sink.

"don't call me baby anymore." she said, leaving the room, and lightly slamming the door.

part of me wanted to try to explain myself, but it would completely ruin the surprise. i just decided to let her be moody and mad for now, but tomorrow night she would understand why i've been so secretive the past couple weeks.

-the next morning-

"g'morning love" i say, the sun peeking peeking into our room through the curtains, she rolls her eyes at me. "hey, im sorry about last night." i said.
"okay, i don't care." she responded, rolling away from me.

"love... i promise i wasn't out with another girl" i explained. "okay and i don't care." she protested.

"still on for our dinner date tonight?" i shrugged, changing the topic. "i guess so." she mumbled, getting out of bed.

taylor's pov:
this is my last straw. i'm breaking up with him at dinner tonight. i don't care anymore, i love him but it's ruining my life right now.

once the time for our date rolled around, i put on a simple black dress, white heels, with a maroon colored purse. i put my hair in a cute braid and put on a little of my classic red lipstick and waterproof mascara, knowing there will be tears tonight.

"ready to go love?" he asks, i nod. i let him help me into the car. he was such a gentleman, i really didn't want to break up with him.

travis's pov:
once we get situated at our table and order food and drinks she hesitates, "travis..?" she asks. "is everything alright honey?" i ask. "no, actually it isn't." she said, her gazed at the table.

"what's wrong?" i responded with worry. "never mind actually, i just.. can't do this anymore" she mumbles. "our relationship?" i questioned, she nodded, a few tears formed in the corners of her eyes.

"did something happen? did i do something wrong?" i immediately asked. "you've been so sneaky and weird the past weeks, i don't like it." she mumbled, fidgeting with her fingers.

"oh baby.." i whisper, reaching into my pocket for the ring case. "i wasn't sneaking around.." i say softly, lifting her chin up to make eye contact with me.

"taylor, i love you. i love you so so much." i say, kneeling on one knee. "travis..? are you..?" she murmurs with excitement, i nod.

"yes, yes, a million times yes." she squeals. "taylor alison swift, will you marry me?" i ask, she smiles.
"yes, travis kelce, i will marry you." she reasoned.

once i put the engagement ring on her finger and got back to my feet, she wrapped her arms around me, giving my a long kiss on my lips. "i love you baby." i smile

"so is this why you've been so weird lately?" she asked, taking a bite of steak. "mhm, sorry for worrying you. i would never ever even think of leaving you." i said, she smiled.

"i love you too. thank you travis." she smiled.

i really hope you liked this one, it was pretty fun to write.

leave any requests here—>

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