eating troubles

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travis's pov:
i haven't seen taylor eaten in ages. she continues to claim she 'ate earlier' or 'isn't hungry' but i see right through her. i've known her for a long time now, although she has become accustomed to masking her emotions, i can read her like a book.

this morning i woke up bright and early to make her a real breakfast, and since it was the first meal of the day, she couldn't use the 'i ate earlier' excuse, and she skipped dinner last night because she 'felt sick' but i know she is hungry now.

i made waffles, some with chocolate chips, i got out whipped cream, syrup, yogurt and some berries.

once taylor had made her way downstairs, i handed her a plate of food. "good morning love" i smile, sitting down next to her with my food. "i.. im really not hungry" she begins to say, fidgeting with her fingers.

"baby, you didn't eat dinner last night either, you are hungry, and that's okay." i say, lifting up her chin so she can't look away. "i don't need you to eat a lot, but please try, it'll be okay. i promise" i smile, giving her a small kiss on her head.

she slowly sat down across from me, picked up her fork and took a very small bite of a plain waffle. she used to put a whole pile of whipped cream and syrup, or at least some butter.

she slowly continued to eat about a third of the waffle, until she just sits at it and stares. "baby, take one more bite." i breath. "please baby, you need to eat." i try to encourage her.

"i can't.. travis i can't do it" she began to cry. "oh baby... c'mere babygirl" i said, moving around the table to comfort her.

"baby, i love you so fucking much, i just really want you to feel good and feel healthy, yeah?" i say, she nods. i use my thumbs to wipe some of the tears off of her puffy red face.

"i just can't eat anymore right now... i just can't fucking do it." she mumbled, pushing the plate away from her. "okay. but can you promise me you'll eat something for lunch?" i ask, she nods.

a moment later, she bolted to the bathroom in an unusual way. i follow quickly behind her, making sure she's okay.

she runs into the bathroom and slams the door behind her, then locking it. i heard the sounds of her throwing up and gagging through the door. "tay, baby.. please let me in." i say, tapping on the door.

a few moments pass of me anxiously waiting outside the door and she steps out of the room. her face was pale and she looked awful. "oh honey" i say, as i wrap her in a much needed hug.

"i'm sorry travis." she cries. "what baby?" i ask, a little bit confused. "i'm sorry that im such a fucking mess. i can't eat half of a waffle without puke it back up." she cried, her tears soaking my gray shirt.

"babygirl, you don't need to apologize. as your boyfriend, i'm supposed to help you get through the hard parts of life." i take a breath. "have you brought this up at therapy yet?" i ask, knowing she talks to her therapist every other week.

she shook her head. "that's okay. do you want me to come next time, i can tell her for you if you want?" i suggest, knowing taylor isn't the most honest person when it comes to admitting her struggles.

she nods, giving me a kiss on my cheek. "and baby, next time when you start to feel this way, please let me know right away, okay?" i say, she nodded. "i want to help you get better." i smile.

"do you wanna talk about why you're feeling this way? were you reading articles online?" i ask, knowing her mental health tends to spiral downwards when it's overwhelmed with incorrect
assumptions about her.

"everyone thinks i'm pregnant or gained a ton of weight." she murmurs under her breath. "travis... do you think i look heavier?" she asks, lifting up shirt revealing her practically flat stomach.

"babygirl, your weight doesn't matter, what does matter is feeling healthy. who cares if you did put on a few pounds, it is all okay." i smile. "and i don't know where they got the whole pregnancy rumors from. you look awesome baby, and you always did and always will be." i smiled.

"thank you travis." she smiles back. "but please next time this happens, talk to me. i want to help you be the healthiest version of yourself, and i'll do whatever i can to make that happen" i reply, giving her a peck on the cheek.

"i will. it's just sometimes hard to even talk about. i don't want to have another eating disorder, i just feel like i have zero control over it anymore." she breathes. "and i just hate it." she finished.

"im sorry you feel that way babygirl. we're going to do everything we can to help you get better, yeah?" i smile. "yeah. thank you trav. i really love you." she smiles.

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