missing him is dark grey

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travis's pov:
tonight was my last eras tour show i'd be able to watch for a while because of training camp. the show had just wrapped up, so i headed backstage to meet her.

"baby! you did so good!" i congratulate her, the show was absolutely perfect as always. "thank you travis" she smiled, reaching up to kiss me.

"i can't believe this is your last show. i wont even get to see you for a whole month." she frowned. "i know. but after the rest of your london shows, we will have plenty of time, yeah?" i reply, she shrugs.

"i guess so. but i'm just gonna miss you being with you all day, you know?" she mumbles. "yeah, i get that. it's gonna be hard but we'll get through it. we can call and facetime every single night, i promise." i smile.

"but im gonna miss my morning cuddles, and seeing you after day" she frowns, sitting next to me on the couch. "i know you will, i will too, but it's only a month, then we will have all the time in the world together, yeah?" i reply, she shrugs.

"here, let's get you changed out of your bodysuit and into some comfy sweats. then we'll go to the hotel for our last night together" i smile, helping her out of her performance outfit, and into the nice comfortable clothes.

we arrive to our private room shortly later, taylor flops onto the bed. she's probably sore from preforming so hard recently. "do you want something to eat? drink? we could probably order something too" i suggest, looking through one of the menus they left in our room.

"chicken tenders. maybe some chocolate too, im craving it today" she says, rolling over next to me in bed. "sounds good, do you want a drink too?" i ask. "dr. pepper?" she questions, i nod.

i placed the food order, it should be here in just under an hour since neither of us are very hungry at the moment. we spend the rest of night together, taylor clinging on to me the whole time.

i wake up around 8am, taylor has her body wrapped around me, like a little kid who didn't want her parents to leave. she looks like she had been awake for a couple minutes, but wasn't ready to get out of bed yet.

"good morning babygirl. how'd you sleep?" i asked, placing a kiss on her lips. "good, i just don't want you to leave" she said, her lip trembling.

"i don't want to leave either, but i have to get going soon. i need to leave at 9:30." i mumble, looking over at the clock.

"what? no. that's too early. i want you to stay with me." she whined, noticing it was already past 8. "i have to babygirl. i can call you on the plane, when i get there, as much as i can, okay?" i say, gently moving her arm so i could get out of bed.

i needed to brush teeth, wash my face, and change clothes, which wouldn't all take an hour to complete, which left me with more time to spend with taylor.

i squeezed the toothpaste out of the tube, beginning to brush my teeth, and then taylor appeared in the doorway. "baby..." i said, noticing the tears welling up in her eyes.

"i don't want you to go.." she cried, giving me a hug. i would've kissed her too, but my mouth was full of toothpaste "i gotta spit this out, hold on babygirl" i mumble, spitting it out in the sink, a small laugh escaped from taylor's mouth.

"i'm really gonna miss you tay baby." i say, going through my drawers of clothing, picking out a blue shirt and grey shorts. "then don't go." she mumbles.

"i need to. i don't want to, but it's only a month. i promise babygirl, i would much rather be with you, you know that, right?" i ask, pulling my shirt over my head.

"i know. i just don't want to be alone." she whined, resting back on the headboard. "you'll have all the cats, yeah? and you can call me if things are hard. i promise i will always answer if you need me" i smile.

"thank you. but you have to promise to call me every morning and every night" she breathes. "and a long phone call. not a boring 5 minute one." she chuckles, wiping away her tears.

"of course." i say, giving her a big kiss before noticing it's already 9:25. "well." i breathe looking at my watch. "i think it's time babygirl" i frown, leaning in for a big hug.

she holds on to me for a long time before eventually letting go. "i love you" she whispered, her face still red from crying. "i love you even more than you could imagine" i say, reaching for the doorknob.

she frowns as i begin to close the door behind me. i open the car door, i can still see her through the windows. she waves to me as i begin to pull away from the house, on my way to the airport.

about 30 seconds into my drive, my phone begins to ring. at first i assumed it would be one of my teammates, calling to check in. i glance over at my phone and see it's taylor. i turn the volume up all the way and answer the phone.

"i miss you already" she whines, i could tell she was crying. "i miss you too babygirl." i murmur, turning into the airport parking lot.

"baby, i've got to go. i promise i will call you tonight, okay?" i say, throwing my bag over my shoulder. "pinky promise?" she asks. "i pinky promise i will call you, no matter what" i smile

"okay. i love you travis" she says.

"i love you too princess" i smile, as i begin to hang up the phone. i felt sad after our phone call, all the feelings of missing her were already beginning to kick in, and this was only the beginning of it all.

sorry this was kinda random, i just felt like i needed to write something.

also, i have to work a lot next week, so updates will probably be slower, sorry!

leave any requests here—>

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