uh oh pt 2

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taylor's pov:
i turn my phone back on and call selena. the test had a few minutes left.

"how much time left?"

"like 3 minutes. holy shit sel, i'm not ready for this"

"hey, you don't even know yet. y'know, you could just be late."

"i know.. it's just weird i guess."

"ready?" i say as i take a deep breath while reaching for the test.

"you got this tay!" selena chanted through the phone as a flip the test over.


"so??" selena said

"it's negative" i said, i felt sort of disappointed, part of me really wants a kid, but the other part knows a can't handle a kid right now.

"you alright tay?" she asked sensing my reaction

"yeah, yeah, i'm good, it's just- never mind"

"are you sure you're alright tay? negative tests can be hard even if you weren't trying"

"i guess so, im just realizing i probably only have a few years left to have kids, so its just hard i guess."

"it's okay taylor, everything happens for a reason, i love you so so much, everything will be okay."

"thanks sel, im gonna go now, love you!"

i picked the negative test off the counter and threw it in the nearby trashcan and left the room.

no one's pov:
"you alright tay?" travis says as she walks out of the bathroom, noticing her demeanor. "yeah, i'm good. don't worry about it."

"alright then. i'm gonna go use the bathroom, i'll be right back." he says while getting off the sofa, which taylor took his spot.

he does his business and then begins to wash his hands, but is paused by an empty pregnancy test box on the counter without the test, and soon notices the test in the trash.

"is she pregnant? why wouldn't she tell me?" he thought to himself. "taylor?" he called out from the bathroom.

"what's up trav?" she responded, but then noticed the test in his hands, and froze. there was dead silence for a minute until taylor took a closer look at the test.

"oh my god, is that a second line?" she thought to herself. "holy shit travis- i think i'm pregnant." she said with happiness.

travis was still very confused, but he was happy that she was happy. "travis!! i'm pregnant!" she shouted again.

"i'm very very very happy about this, don't get me wrong- but what's going on?" he asked. "well i took the test a little bit ago, and i thought it was negative, but apparently the second line just hadn't developed yet!!" she shouted.

"that's wonderful taylor, i love you and our baby so much!" he said.

"hold on, im gonna call selena!" she shouted while grabbing her phone.

"selena, oh my fucking god guess what?! i'm pregnant!!!"

"oh my goodness taylor! i'm so happy for you, you're going to be a wonderful mother."

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