too hot

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travis's pov:
it was the argentina shows, and it was really really hot, to the point it wasn't safe for her to preform. i really think she should try to move the show, or at least take some more breaks in between the sets.

i tried to bring the idea of changing the show to her a few times now, but she hasn't budged at all. "nope. nope, not happening. i can't cancel!" she complained.

"but.. you need to. it's not safe babygirl, i don't want you to get hurt." i said, she ignored me. "honey i know you don't want to cancel, but you need to, for your safety. for your fans safety." i said, she sort of nodded.

"i'll go talk to tree for you, since you won't." i said, fishing my phone out of my pocket, she rolled her eyes at me.

"hey tree, do you have a minute?" i asked

"yup, i was actually just about to call taylor haha, so what can i do for ya?" she laughed.

"it's like super hot, and i'm just worried, you know?" i said.

"i was just about to get your take on the same thing hah. but i really do think we should cancel, it's too hot for her to preform for over three hours in this heat."

"yeah i agree. but she thinks she'll be okay, but it's already hot inside of our air conditioned house, she'll feel terrible once she's preforming in this type of heat."

"hm, okay. well wether she likes it or not, she's not preforming. i'm gonna go talk to the venue to postpone the show. thanks for the call!" she said, hanging up the phone.

we were finally able to convince taylor to not preform, she wasn't too happy with us, but her safety was more important than how she felt about us.

the next night rolled around and it was still pretty warm outside, but taylor insisted on going out. i was still a little iffy about it, but she knows what she can or can't handle, but i don't want her to push herself.

me, tree and taylor talked about it and agreed that it would be okay for her to preform tonight, but we would add a few extra and longer breaks for water and just to catch her breath.

once the show began she looked fine until the surprise song set. i could tell she was absolutely exhausted, she was having trouble breathing, and looked hot and sweaty.

i went backstage to ask her if she could do the rest of the show before the midnights era. she assured me she would be okay. "i can do it. it doesn't matter if im too hot, ill be fine." she protested.

i was still hesitant about her choice, but again, she knows her body best and if she could handle it. i did make sure she had a few extra sips of water before going out.

after the sweaty 25 minutes of the midnights set was finished, she ran backstage. "babygirl.. are you alright?" i asked. "i.. i... im fine. i just want water" she said, barley being able to piece her sentences together.

"oh honey.." i said, giving her the cold ice water bottle. she drinks for a while before taking a break. "are you okay?" i checked. "i.. yeah, i think so. i just need to sleep." she says.

"okay, that sounds like a good idea." i say, but then notice she's still hasn't changed out of her bodysuit. "oh baby.. do you wanna get changed first? then we can go home." i suggest, she slowly nods.

i pull out a oversized shirt and a pair of shorts from her wardrobe and help her change. once we get in to the car she practically passes out from all the exhaustion.

a while later we arrive back at the hotel. "honey, we're here." i say, lightly nudging her shoulder. "you wanna be carried, yeah?" i asked, helping her out of the car.

once we got back to our room i laid her on the bed and turned off all the lights. she usually would eat, brush teeth, shower but i didn't want to force her, she needed all the rest she could possibly get. she was so exhausted from the past couple nights.

i'm kinda running out of ideas, so please request stuff! also please let me know if you've requested something and i haven't done it yet, sorry!

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