you were bigger then the whole sky

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taylor's pov:
this can't be fucking happening. "travis?" i cry, he wakes up. "what's wrong princess?" he asks, but then notices the patches of blood on the bed. "oh honey, let's get you to the hospital."

travis's pov:
i quickly help pack up a bag and help taylor into the car and drive to the nearest hospital. she knew what was happening and wasn't ready to say goodbye.

even if it was just a month or two, it still hurt a lot. she was so exited to finally be a mother, but t before she even got to enjoy it, it was taken away from her. i felt horrible.

once we arrived at the nearest hospital, she was quickly able to get a room. taylor had been trying her best to hold back her tears and i felt awful. "love, it's okay to cry. maybe it will still be okay" i said.

"it's not okay! i just killed our baby." she cried, her tears staining my grey shirt. "honey, this is not your fault." i said sternly.

she didn't respond, she just kept crying until the doctor came in. after they did a quick ultrasound and exam they were able to come to a conclusion

"im sorry taylor, but it does appear that you are having a miscarriage." the young doctor said, leaving shortly after to give her some privacy. her words lingered in the air for a few moments until i decided to start speaking, knowing it would stay quiet if i didn't

"honey, it's okay, don't blame yourself for this. this is nobody's fault." i repeated. "what did i do wrong? i hate myself." she cried, which made tears form in my eyes as well.

"oh baby. you didn't do anything wrong. i still love you regardless." i promised, gently stroking her hair. "do you want to get changed, yeah?" i asked, hoping it might take her mind of off everything, she slowly nodded.

i carried her into the private hospital bathroom and set her on the counter. "do you want help?" i asked, she lifted her arms as i pulled of her hoodie.

after she was undressed, i brought in a fresh set of clothes that i had packed. i undid the wrappings of one of her pads and placed it in her underwear before i helped her step into them. i knew she wasn't in the right place to take care of herself, so i did my best to do as much as i could.

after i finished helping get dressed i carried her back out the the hospital bed. "anything else i can help with?" i asked, knowing how much mental and physical pain she was in right now, she shook her head.

a minute or two later, the doctor lightly knocked on the door and came back in. she said she needed to just explain some things, and make sure everything heals correctly.

"hi taylor, i know you aren't feeling well, but we do need to take a few precautions, just so you don't have to deal with an infection or anything on top of everything else." she said, taylor nodded, but was very zoned out.

"first thing is to avoid exercise and constant physical movement, you're body needs to relax. the next thing is to make sure to eat and stay hydrated, it should make the healing process better since you'll feel better." she explained.

"and unfortunately there will be some bad cramping and bleeding, but we can give you some medicine to hopefully help take the edge off. for the bleeding, try to avoid tampons and just stick to pads for now, it will decrease the chance of an infection. does that sound alright?" the nurse asked, taylor slowly nodded.

"okay great. and again, i'm really sorry taylor." she said before leaving the room to give her some space.

we stayed at the hospital for the next couple hours just to monitor everything to make sure nothing else happened. once they allowed us to leave, i helped her into the car and drove home.

she was very quiet on the way home. she didn't say a single word about anything. i didn't want to make her feel like she needed to talk to me, but i wanted her to know she could.

by the time we finally arrived home it was 5:30am, i didn't know if she would want to go back to bed. "baby, do you want to go back to bed? or i can stay up with you." i asked, she shrugged.

"how about we try to sleep, yeah? does that sound good?" i said, sitting down on the bed, and then realizing i never changed the sheets since the whole incident.

i didn't want to make her feel bad or anything so i quickly changed them, trying to not make a big deal. she just sat in the corner of the room, her hand over her stomach.

"here you go princess" i said, separating the layers of sheets so she could comfortably get in. "do you want to talk about it?" i asked, she shook her head.

"that's okay. just let me know if you want or need anything. don't be afraid to ask, promise me?" i questioned, knowing she tends to shut down when things get hard.

"i will. i just want to sleep now." she mumbled. "sounds good." i say, as meredith jumps onto the bed and cuddles up with taylor.

sorry for making it sad again, whoops.

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