Chapter 6 - Empty

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  After a long, hard day at school, Lilla and Taha finally got home to find;

an empty house.

  It was a bit of a disappointment but nothing not to be expected.

  Taha went into the kitchen to find some food while Lilla went upstairs to their bedroom to get changed.

  5 minutes later Lilla came back downstairs in some blue jeans and a long-sleeved top with a picture of a cat on it. Taha smiled at her and passed her a couple of cream crackers that he had found in the back of the cupboard.

  A few minute later the crackers were eaten and both children wondered what to do. Taha sighed and decided to clean up the living room. Lilla helped him brush all the pieces of glass up and put them in some newspaper and put them in the bin.

  After cleaning up the living room, it was getting quite late, so they both got ready for bed.

  Not surprisingly, they both slept well that night, due to the exhausting day beforehand. As a result of that they both woke up in time for school, and so wern't late.

  Later that day they got back home from school to an empty house again, and no parents, also meant no shopping.

  They decided together that they would go shopping, and walked the long 2 miles to the shops, only to find that they were closed. So then they had to walk two miles back again with no shopping to flop down exhaustingly on the sofa and fall asleep.

  Lilla was the first to wake up. It was eleven O'clock. She panicked before she realised it was Saturday. She gently shook her brother awake.

  When Taha and Lilla were both awake, dressed, and clean, they  raided the cupboards for food but found none.

  They managed all day without food until 9 O'clock, when they finally decided, after a very long, very boring day, to go to bed.

  They both had a good nights sleep again, due to lack of food and no lack of emotions. The children both woke up at about half past ten in the morning to grumbling bellies.

  Taha put his foot down at the lack of food for he would not have his little sister starve just because they had rubbish parents. He concluded to ask next door for some bread or something to keep them going.

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