Chapter 24 - Back To The Neighbour's House

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  After Lilla had finished eating Jessie came and sat on the edge of Lilla's hospital bed.

  "So what happened then?" Lilla asked, confused.

  "Well, you fainted, and you fell off the bed and landed on your head and arm. You've been out for a few hours now, but there's no sign of concussion, and you should be out of the hospital tonight, or, if they decide to keep you under an over-night observation, tomorrow." Jessie explained while Lilla listened intently to what had happened to her.

  Even though they thought Lilla was fine, the hospital still wanted her to stay for an overnight observation. Lilla cried a bit when Jessie relayed this news to her but Jessie also said that she would stay with her all night so that she wouldn't be as scared.

  In the morning Lilla was allowed to go home again, or at least, back to the neighbours house.

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