Chapter 22 - Famous

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A/N Please comment guinea pigs ;) !!!!

  "Lilla, I-I'm going... away." Jessica explained. "To America." She added.

  "H-ho-w... why?" Lilla asked.

  "Well, I'll be gone for 2 months." Jessie said.

  "Yeah, but stop avoiding the question, Jessica! Why?" Lilla insisted. "Is it your job?" She asked, forlorn.

  "Just a sec." Jessie said, running downstairs for a minute.

  She came back up with Steven.

  "Yes, it is my job, Lilla. And we need to tell you what my job is. You need to know. You're gonna find out sooner or later, and it might as well be from me." Jessie explained. She looked at her dad for confirmation. Steven nodded. "Well, I-I'm.. sortaafamoussingercalledJessieJ." She said in a rush.

  Just then Rose came in and rushed up the stairs and into the bedroom.

  "It's Taha, he's in a critical state. He's developed phenomia and in his condition he might not be able to battle it off!" Rose exclaimed, out of breath from running.

  Lilla felt herself start to panick, why was everything going so wrong now? Her breathing quickened, and her vision went blurry. The room started spinning round and her hearing went funny.

  Lilla knew she was about to faint. She shouted out for help before blacking out.

  Lilla came round in a strange room. This wasn't the bedroom at Jessie's house. She heard a beeping noise and turned round to see a heart rate moniter on a table by the bed. 'A hospital. Great. What have I done now.' Lilla thought sarcasticaly. She tried to sit up but her arm was surprizingly heavy she lifted it up slightly to look at why it was so heavy, and saw a plaster cast. 'Great. Just great. A broken arm as well. Just what I allways wanted!' Lilla said in her head. 'Why am I so sarcastic in my head anyways?' Lilla then thought, but dissmissed it with a shug. Lilla then felt the ache of hunger in her stomach and wondered how she had missed it before.

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