Chapter 31 - Technology

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Lilla had soon listened to and fallen in love with Jessie's album and in a week had learnt all of the words to all of the songs. Of coarse having Jessie around was a big help because finding lyrics on the computer isn't always reliable. Jessie taught her the riffs in the songs and found her a natural singer.

The next week, after Lilla had just had her cast taken off her arm, she went back to the house to find Jessie trying to figure out something on the laptop.

"Jessie, what are you doing, or trying to do?" Lilla asked when she'd been placed on the bed by Rose.

"I'm trying... to sort out... there! Done it!" Jessie exclaimed.

"Done what?" Asked Lilla curiously.

"Done the webcam thingy so that we can do a YouTube video!" Jessie explained, evidently pleased with herself.

"What, so, you've turned it on?"

"Yup!" Answered Jessie, beaming with pride.

"Jessie you are an idiot sometimes!"

"What? why?" Asked Jessie. She looked hurt.

"Pass it here."


"The laptop, Dumbo!" Lilla said, laughing.

"Okay then." Said Jessie, passing the laptop over to Lilla, "What so funny anyway?" She asked, confused, as Lilla started laughing.

"Jessie! It's been filming us the whole time!" Giggled Lilla.

"Sh*t, how do you edit these things, I just wanted to send a YouTube video to my Heartbeats." Jessie exclaimed.

"Jessie! Language!" Lilla reminded her.

"Oops, sorry, any young heartbeats or people who are offended by it I sincerely apologise!" She said to the webcam.

"So what did you plan on saying Jessie?" Lilla asked with a smile.

"Oh yeah!" Jessie said, giggling, "Heartbeats, this is Lilla, she is staying at my Mum and Dads house and we are looking after her and have been for a while. She's having troubles with bullies at the moment." Jessie looked at Lilla for approval. Lilla nodded at her to carry on. " So I just want you to know, that if you are being bullied or have been bullied, you are not alone! I send a virtual hug to anyone that needs it," Jessie hugged the laptop (typical Jessie!) and pulled away before adding, "And an actual hug to those that I can!" Then she hugged Lilla briefly before carrying on, "Just please know that it does get better and that you are not alone! Bye-bye, toodle-pips, goodbye!" And then she blew a kiss at the webcam and pretended to catch one back before turning off the webcam.

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