Chapter 17 - More Bordom

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  "Can I try to walk now then?!" Lilla asked Jessie.

  "Sure babes, but I'll hold your arm in case you can't." Jessie said.

  "OK then!" Lilla agreed. She wriggled to the edge of the bed and took hold of Jessie's outstretched hand. She put her feet on the floor and got up from the bed and imediately fell down again, but Jessie had hold of her, and picked her up and placed her back on the bed. Once Lilla was safly back on the bed Jessie let go of her again.

  "OK, maybe don't try that for a while, babes!" Said Jessie.

  "Agreed!" Lilla said.

  "Bedtime?" Asked Jessie.

  "Yup!" Lilla confirmed.

  They both got ready for bed and when they were in bed Rose and Steven came up to say goodnight and then Rose went downstairs and Steven went downstairs. Both Lilla and Jessie had a really good sleep.

  Lilla woke up first again on was it day 3, day 4? She'ed lost count. she just knew that sh'ed been here a while. She flung a cushion at Jessie to wake her up which worked.

  "Hey, babe, what was that for?!" Asked Jessie.

  "To wake you up!" Lilla said with a cheeky smile.

  "Meanie!" Jessie said with a pout.

  "Well it worked, didn't it?!" Said Lilla cheekily.

  Jessie groaned in response.

  Lilla figeted a little and Jessie noticed.

  "Toilet, babe?" Jessie asked.

  "Right first go!" Lilla said.

  Jessie laughed and carried Lilla to the bathroom.

  The toilet trip was still awkward but less so as they were used to it. They got back to the bedroom in resonable time.

  Lilla and Jessie then spent a boring day together until bedtime again.

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