Chapter 9 - Steven

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  • Dedicated to @JessicaJFanfics

A/N Comment please my little guiena pigs ;) !!!!

  Lilla didn't go to school that day, as she was too busy looking after Taha. She didn't answer the phone when it rang, like Taha had told her, and drew and sang under her breath when she wasn't tending to Taha.

  At around 7 the doorbell rang, and Lilla answered the door to Steven from next door.

  "Hello Lilla, I was just sent to check you're OK as school rang us to say that you didn't go to school today and haven't been answering the phone, and, come to think of it, I haven't seen your Mum or Dad's car returning, would you like to talk about it babe?" Steven asked, not unkindly.

  Lilla shook her head no.

  "Can I come in?" Steven said gently.

  Lilla just stood still and looked at the ground while he walked past her.

  "Nice place you have here, shame about the bookcase though!" He said, motioning to the felled bookcase wich had been too heavy for Lilla and Taha to lift back up again, "Would you like me to help you with that?" He asked.

  Lilla shook her head again.

  "Can i go into the kitchen?" Steven asked, seeking permission.

  Lilla shrugged and nodded.

  Steven walked into the kichen and looked startled at the medicene on the table. "Tell me hun, is one of you ill?" He asked, concerned.

  Lilla looked up at him and nodded "Taha." She whispered.

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