Chapter 10 - Too Weak

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  • Dedicated to @JessicaJFanfics

A/N Happy reading my little guinia pigs ;) !!!!

"Would you like to come to ours and have some juice Lilla?" Steven asked her.

  Lilla shook her head no, gesturing to the bedroom upstairs where Taha was in bed.

  "No worrys, I'm sure Rose will come and look after him while we go and have a chat babe." Steven said.

  Lilla shook her head violently. She wanted it to stay just her and Taha. If she went to have a chat with steven from next door, she was pretty sure that that was gonna change.

  "Come on Lilla." Steven said gently, placing a hand on her shoulder.

  Lilla imediatly shrank back.

  "Aren't you hungry?" He asked.

  Lilla shook her head but winced at the mention of food because she hadn't had any all day.

  "Come on lets get you some food babe." Steven offered.

  Lilla shok her haed and stood her ground. Steven sat down on a chair and waited.

  He waited 15 minutes more.

  Lilla realized that she was weaker than she thought. She knew she needed food and rest, and stood her ground, but began to grow dizzy. The room started spinning round before her eyes and her vision grew blurry. She couldn't hear anything and then her vision went black. She heard Steven shouting out to her before she blanked out.

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