Chapter 1

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Nigeria, Abuja
8th November,
Aunty dee dee! Aunty dee dee! She heard Ayra her niece shouting her name. Ugh! This girl is so Annoying why can't she just let me sleep ; she mumbled to herself. Aunty dee dee wake up ayra said again, she has no choice but to wake up because Ayra will never let her be. She opened her eyes to see all her family members standing in the room before she could say anything they started singing the birthday song for her. OMG! How can I forget such an important day. Ammi came forward with her favorite chocolate cake and asked her to make a wish before cutting the cake. She made a wish and cut the cake. She fed Ammi, Her niece and nephew , her Abi, Her Adda then ya khalil Adda Amra's husband. They all wished her a happy birthday before leaving the room for her to to dress up.
She dressed in a black Abaya, did a little makeup. She's a huge fan of makeup and accessories, anything that will make her look good she's in for it. She hurried downstairs and saw the whole house decorated.
The moment she stepped in the only thing you're hearing is whistle, well that one is always from Adda amra sometimes I wonder how on earth she became a mother or how ya khalil is coping with her. She heard someone called her name and that brought her out of her reverie. She received alot of gift's and many prayers from her family. Honestly my family is the best; she thought, she mumbled a silent prayer for them and wiped her invisible tear's. Honestly she's such a drama queen sometimes.
After the mini walima is over . She went back to her room and was looking at the pictures they snapped that's when she noticed that her Akhi has being missing all day. Where's Akhi? She asked no one in particular.
Maybe he's busy but what will keep him busy that he didn't even wish his little sister on her birthday; she thought. What if he forgot? But Akhi never forgets her birthday, so what's wrong? She decided to let the thought slide with a mental note to ask ammi when she goes downstairs after praying.
They where watching a movie in the living when Ammi came back from the hospital, she was called earlier that there's a patient with brain tumor so she needs to be in the hospital. Sannu da zuwa ammi; Khadijah said, yawwa ammi answered and sat down and that's when Khadijah remembered to ask her Ammi where Akhi is but Ammi just walked out without giving her an answer, that's strange she thought but just shrugged it off. She wanted to ask Abi about it but decided against it because they're not on good term's.
You will be surprised why but it happened when Akhi completed his studies, Akhi studied law because he wanted to become a lawyer but Abi is adamant that he joins the business because he's his heir. After much persuasion from Ammi he agreed and joined the business but now he wants to go back and do his master's and pursue his dream career but Abi said No! I wonder why?..... Happy birthday munchkin; she turned to see Akhi standing, she engulfed him in a hug immediately she saw him. Where have you been? He didn't answer her but brought out a the gift he got for her. It was fine silver bracelet with the inscription I love you munchkin. She instantly fell in love with the bracelet and thanked him.
It's time for dinner and Addayi made loaded fries and pineapple juice. Gosh! It tastes heaven. Everyone was eating their food in silence, each lost in his own thought until Akhi dropped the bomb.....
The one that changed Khadijah's life forever.
Uhm Abi ; he said . Everyone turned to look at him. I have decided I want to pursue my career, I want to build myself, I want to depend on myself not on your business Abi. So even if you don't support me I have decided I'm going to leave and pursue my dream's and prove to you I am not a loser. She raised her head and looked at Akhi you must be joking she said; Ammi looked at him with bloodshot eyes she have being crying all along. Abi looked at him with disgust and said if you leave just consider you're not my son anymore, if you step foot from this house to pursue your stupid career then do me a favor and never come back because my blood cannot be a failure but unfortunately you're. Adda didn't say anything and was silent. Akhi went upstairs and packed his bag, Khadijah was crying pleading to her parents to stop him, pleading to Adda but none of them said anything. Akhi came downstairs and looked at her, munchkin he called; your Akhi loves you very much, wait and see your Akhi will come back and when he does he will come back as a successful person and not as a failure like some people say while tilting his head to look at Abi. He went to where Ammi is seating and use his hand to raise her chin, Ammi he called; pray for me Ammi, pray for my well-being and safety, pray that I become successful, I love you so much Ammi na he said while hugging her, this time Ammi couldn't resist she started crying asking him not to go, he pulled himself from her and looked at Adda. I love you Mrs. Khalil and i will always do, pray for me he said.
Ammi was asking him to stop, this time even Adda chirped in but Akhi was so adamant. He looked at his munchkin and said I will be back soon but she held his hand asking him to go, she kept begging him reminding him about all his promises to be with her through the high's and low's, she pleaded, begged and begged but to no avail, a lone tear escaped his eyes but he was quick to wipe it . She turned to her Abi begging him to stop Akhi but Abi walked out of the living room without even turning. He pulled her from his body and said
Good bye ummuAbiha.....
The statement that changed her forever.

Yay how's the chapter 😀
It was so hard writing how Akhi left home but what do you think that statement meant and why did it change her?
And Abi thinks that law is a course for failure's. God he's so.....

UmmuAbiha ( Her father's mother)Where stories live. Discover now