Chapter 4

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She's finally starting school today
She woke up early to dress up because Adda sabeeha told her its a one hour drive from their house to the school. She's dressed in a white long sleeve button up shirt and a black skirt with a black tie.

 She's dressed in a white long sleeve button up shirt and a black skirt with a black tie

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Her dress

She finished dressing and wore her shoes then draped her jersey wrap and went downstairs.

She finished dressing and wore her shoes then draped her jersey wrap and went downstairs

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Her school shoe,monday, tuesday and thursday.
She went downstairs and saw mami watching a movie she decided to greet her.
Mami jambanduna
Jam she answered; Awali jam? She asked
Jam Alhamdulillah.
She just nodded then asked her to go have her breakfast before Aneel comes down.

She Finished eating her breakfast fast and took her lunch box that mami packed for her.
Hamma Aneel came and had his breakfast then they left, mami is taking them to school today not Adda sabeeha.

It was a one hour drive and they have a long way to go then her mind drifted to the person she saw yesterday and how she made a fool of herself.
You....I trailed off
Yes me he said smiling, it's being a long time since I saw you.
I was lost in his blue icy eyes that i didn't even heard him talking,
Hello he said while waving his hand which brought me out of my reverie
Uh... uhm, are you saying , I said
I asked how you're doing, it's being a long time.
Uh..I'm fine, Yh it's being a long time spongebob I said while smiling
You won't stop calling me spongebob will you  he asked
No I won't I said
We were so engrossed in our discussion that we didn't see Adda sabeeha.
She stood there watching us in Awww 🥰
That's the perks of living with Adda sabeeha, she misunderstand every little thing.
It was when she cleared her throat that I noticed her and I forgot she was waiting for me to come back so wee can continue watching the movie.
Is this the water you went to get, she asked with a amusement in her voice.
No, uhm...I was going, I went back to the direction of the room, she was just looking at me with amusement. She glared at me asking me is this the way to the kitchen.
Uhm.. no.. I was just.... I trailed off
She was just holding her laughter.
I glared at her before turning to leave for the kitchen but I bumped into someone, I looked up to see Muhammad
Ohh.. you're still here,he was looking at me trying so hard not to laugh.
I mentally face palmed myself, why did I have to embarrass myself in front of this spongebob.
I didn't know I was looking at him until Adda sabeeha talked again
Ummi water, she said
Ohhh... I was just going
I ran from there
I went to the kitchen and let  out a breath I didn't know I was holding.
I went took the water and went back to the room, I glared at Adda sabeeha before handing her the water and don't ask me any questions I said.
We continue watching the kdrama but my mind wasn't at all there. I was thinking about Muhammad.
When I saw him again I knew I still had feelings for him. Yes I still do.
But does he have feelings for me, will he reciprocate my feelings for him or will he reject me? Does he even consider me his friend anymore? Will we be back to the way we're? Ohh why won't we back to best friends, we will or so I thought.
Ummi we're here , mami said which brought me back to reality.
  End of flash back

We arrived at school and the school looks so Masha Allah, everywhere is neat and tidy, the offices, the classrooms, everywhere and everyone was looking neat in their uniforms. One thing I noticed is that the juniors doesn't have coat but the seniors do and that's what differentiates them. After a long process, I was given my books and textbooks and escorted to class by the principal.

As we entered the classroom, they all stood up to greet the principal, he introduced me as the new student and asked me to sit in the middle roll, second seat, I sat down since everyone has his own sit. The class was noisy, they were all talking to one another, if it was the old Khadijah then she would have joined them without thinking twice but everything has changed now. It was time to start the first period and the teacher came in, it's maths my favorite subject one of the things that didn't change about me. Before I knew it first period is over, second period and it's break time. I brought out my lunch and started eating and suddenly the teacher came in which he said he's our formaster - Mr. Abdulrahman.
He asked the class to introduce themselves to me and they did, I instantly liked a girl named Aisha Abubakar, she's a shuwa Arab.
The teacher asked me to stand up and introduce myself.
My name is Khadijah Muhammad Barkindo, I am 12yrs old, I am half fulani, half shuwa Arab then I sat down, I swear I had some students at the back mumbling so that's why she's this beautiful and have attitude but I just pretended not to have heard them.
After the teacher left I continued eating my food when I noticed that Aisha is not eating anything, I walked up to her desk and introduced myself, I asked her to join me but she hesitated until after much persuasion. We were eating food when two girls entered the class and said they're looking for Barkindo, they were wearing a coat so that mean's they're seniors, I looked at Aisha then she told me one of them is her sister, step sister to be precise. I stood up and said I'm Barkindo they looked at each other and said Masha Allah you're so beautiful, thank you was the only thing I said. My name is fatima Abubakar and my friend here is Amal Ahmad, Aisha's sister introduced, I'm Khadijah Muhammad Barkindo, yes we know Aneel's sister, he asked us to call you. She looked at Aisha and said where is your food why are you eating her food, I forgot my food in the car and she said I should pls join her to eat. Ohk follow us the two of you.
We passed through the senior classes and then we finally arrived at ss 3 .
The class was filled with noise and laughter.
As we entered the class everywhere was quiet so I walked up to where Aneel is, hamma you called me.
Yes guy's this is my sister, my dearest lil sis he said while hugging me, I was dumbfounded, is this the Aneel I know ? No something must be wrong, I looked at him again and he smiled at me not the sheepish smile he always flash for me but a genuine one, I couldn't thank Allah more because finally he has changed.Fatima introduced her sister and their classmates liked us. They asked us many questions and I answered happily but one girl caught my attention, the one who is calm and doesn't talk much, she just chirps in when she have something to say, I walked up to her and said you're very beautiful, she looked at me and smiled thanks you're beautiful too, I said thank you and her classmates where all looking at me amused, shocked they were more surprised when she brought out a chocolate from her bag and handed it to me, for you and your friend then she hugged me, they were all looking at us in awww. Break isn't yet over but we wanted to go back to class. We left the class and went back to class. It's almost time for closing, we're done for the day and we were all waiting for the bell to ring and I heard some of my classmates mumbling that we are some seniors sisters and that's why we're behaving arrogantly and don't talk to anyone, I just shrugged it off until one stupid girl insulted Aneel,I walked up to her and politely ask her to stop, she wanted to fight me but i slapped her and she started crying, someone went and called the seniors and they all came the girl I walked up to earlier came in and everywhere was silent as if the Angels have descended then hamma Aneel followed and his friend then Aisha's sister. They were asking what happened here and the girl started telling them that she just wanted to befriend me and I slapped her, what the jahannam! It's like you're still not satisfied with that slap right? I can do the honours and add another one for....keep quite ummi and behave yourself Hamma Aneel cut me off. I scoffed and turned to him why will i keep quiet when she's lying, she's lying, I heard her insulting you and a girl named maimuna salisu Danmulki, they were all shocked the girl that gave me chocolate earlier turned to me and said what! Like what you heard, I said. She turned and gave the girl a tight slap, I was shocked beyond words,I turned to Hamma Aneel and he smiled at me, I was amused. No one insult's my brother and his friends in front of me and go scott free I said to the girl which her name is Amina. She admitted to everything she said and she was punished, finally the day has come to an end and Adda sabeeha came to pick us. It was such a long and tiring day.

This is just the beginning
Why is hamma Aneel so nice?
Who's maimuna salisu danmulki that they were all shocked when her name was pronounced?
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