Chapter 18

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I left the living room upstairs with hanan who was waiting for me. She escorted me to the gate, we hugged each other and bade farewell to each other then I entered the car with taslim.

"Mtswww, you kept us waiting because of that girl, I still don't trust her" Amira said.
I rolled my eyes at her, I was sitting in the front so I thought she wouldn't see but who I'm I playing, I heard a knock on my head.

"Ya ilahi, durrah it's painful" i pouted massaging the place.

"Why did you roll your eyes Tohm" she said.

"Ohk! I won't share  the money uncle sufyan gave me with you" i said while batting my eyelashes.

"Hahaha, Allah sarki durrah na. You know I love you right. Don't do this to me" amira said faking innocence which made ya salim laugh and I smiled. His laughter sounds like melody to my ears.
I brought out the money from my bag and I began sharing it, I shared it into four and we got 10,000 each remaining extra 10,000. I passed the money to each of them.

"There's extra 10,000 remaining" i said.

"Share it nah" amira said sarcastically.

"Allah sarki ni salim, an ma manta dani acikin motan nan" he said faking innocence.

"I didn't forget you, guy's we can give ya salim the extra 10,000" I said to the girls.

"Hahaha, wlhi ya salim we're not giving you anything, you have alot of money, you should be the one giving us" madeeha said which made him chuckle.

"Don't say this, madeeha" i said.

"Well we're not giving him, you can give him yours if you like ummi" maryam talked for the first time since we entered the car.

"Exactly" madeeha said.
Surprisingly Amira didn't say anything.
I added two thousand naira to each of us remaining two thousand. I brought out 3000 from my money and added it to the two thousand making it 5k, I brought out my pen and wrote something on one of the five hundred naira note's then handed the 5k to ya salim.

"Ya salim, take" i said handing him the money.

"No, ummi I was just joking" he said.

"No pls take it" i said.

"Ohk if you won't take it, it mean's you didn't forgive me earlier" i added.

"Allah knows I have forgiven you" he said.
The car was quite and the girls were watching the drama unfold. I know Amira right now is grinning from ear to ear as if she won a lottery.

"then take it, if not i will assume you didn't forgive me" i said.

"Ohk, fyn" he said

"Good! Consider it as a gift from me because I don't know if we will ever see each other again" i said.
He seemed tensed but he just nodded and collected the money.
Minute's later, we arrived home. We greeted mama,mami and anty halima. I and amira quickly went to Adda sabeeha and ya aneesa to show them the money. They were jealous. We came back and showed mami the money, I also showed her the mini gift bag anty amina gave me which consisted of my favorite cologne and fashion earrings.
We went to the room and freshened up. Babu hiran dare because mami said we're leaving as early as possible.
I couldn't sleep, I kept tossing on the bed, I checked my time to see 10:39 pm. It's not even that late so I decided to go to their garden.
I went and sat down in the garden, the fresh breeze fanning my face. I remembered the incident that happened in hanan's house and I began crying until someone brought me out of my reverie.

"What are you doing here?" Ya salim asked which startled me.

"Ya ilahi, you startled me. I just came out because i couldn't sleep" I said.
We sat in comfortable silence until he spoke.

"Why did he call you a murderer?" He asked.
The question was sudden, I didn't expect it and it pained me tbh. I began sobbing.

"Pls don't cry, it hurts me when you cry, it's okay if you don't want to talk about it" he said.
We sat there in silence and he stood up to leave when I said something which made him halt and turned to me.

"It was 7yrs ago, it happened 7 year's ago when i was 8yrs old" i said which made him come back and sit down.

It was a sunday morning. We were watching sofia the first when I said.

"Mr. Annoying let's play hide and seek" I said.

"No pls" he said.

"Yes let's play" the rest of the kid's said.
It was so hard to persuade him and he agreed. We began playing and it was very fun until I was tired.

"I'm tired let me rest" i said.

"Ohk rest we will continue but come help me hide" he said.
I stood up to help him hide. We went inside the store room and I asked him to enter a cabinet then I will close it. He did as I said and I closed it and left the store room because no one would have guessed he will be inside. I was waiting for amsal to finish finding the rest then I will go and open him but while waiting I dosed off.
I kept sleeping until I heard voices. I opened my eyes and I saw mommy - his mom crying and ammi calming her down.

"What's wrong ammi"  I asked.

"Your best friend is missing" ammi answered and it dawned on me that he's still inside the cabinet.

"How many hours have i being sleeping" I asked.

"7 to 8 hrs now, why are you asking" ammi asked.

"Ammi, mommy he's in the store room, inside the cabinet" i said amidst sob's.
They quickly left to the store room leaving me there. I was just praying that  nothing happened to him and I heard a loud wail......

Hmmm! So our ummuAbiha went through so much!
But it was a mistake
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