Chapter 15

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Salim's pov
She came into the car, adjusted the seat and began sleeping without caring if he's inside. As she slept her head tie fell and her long silky black hair is exposed. As she slept, her features relaxed and her beauty shone with a soft, vulnerable light. Her eyelids fluttered slightly as if chasing dreams and her lips curved into a gentle smile. Her chest rose and and fell with slow, steady breaths, and her hands curled into loose fit, as if holding unto a secret.

I gazed at her, mesmerized by the serenity of her slumber. My eyes traced the curve of her face, the slope of her nose, and gentle pout of her lips. I felt a pang of tenderness, a desire to protect and cherish her, to be the guardian of her dreams. In that moment I knew I was lost, forever entwined in the web of her beauty and grace. I couldn't help but notice the way her hair fell across her face, like a golden veil shielding her from the world. Her skin was smooth and unblemished, with a subtle sheen that hinted at an inner radiance. Her eyelashes long and luscious, cast a shadow on her cheeks, adding depth to her tranquil expression. Her lips, soft and inviting, seemed to whisper secrets to the silence.

As I gaze at her, I felt my heart swell with emotion. I was struck by the realization that this is what it meant to be truly alive - to be so fully present in a moment that time stood still. I felt grateful for the chance to witness her vulnerability, to see her unguarded and unselfconscious. In that instant, I knew i would do anything to protect her, to be her safe heaven, her refuge from the world.
I heard voices coming towards us  bringing me out of my reverie.

"Why are you with her" the guy I guessed to be Muhammad asked.

"And what's your business" i asked back.

"Let me warn you, stay away from her, she's mine and she's mine alone" he said and left.

I stood there awestruck by his word's, she's his the word that kept repeating in my head until someone tapped me. It was ummi.

"What's wrong?" She asked with a raised brow.

"Nothing" I said.
We talked about everything and nothing, until it was time to leave and we left.

We arrived home moments later with anty halima and her family, the rest left even abi left that day. It was so much fun traveling with ya salim.

We retired to our rooms and I'm staying with maryam and Amira.
"Should I say something" amira said.

"You and that ya salim have great chemistry, something amiss between you and Muhammad" she said.
Maryam is tired and she's already fast asleep.

"Hmmm, the very moment I set my eyes on him, I felt something, something i never felt when I set my eyes on Muhammad. Whenever I get close to him, I feel butterflies in my stomach, something I never felt with Muhammad. I feel safe and secure around him, something I never felt with Muhammad, I have never felt comfortable with any guy in my life except ya salim not even with Muhammad, Muhammad is special but in a way just like me he's also different" I concluded with tear's threatening to fall.

"Ya ilahi, durrahhh pls don't cry, this is just a silly crush, once you go away from him you will forget it all" she said.

" I hope so but Muhammad has being given me silent treatment, what do I do?" I said.

"I will clear the misunderstanding up, don't worry let's go to sleep we're leaving for kaduna in the morning" she said
We bid goodnight to each other and laid down to sleep. I can't help what I'm feeling for ya salim but once I leave this city everything will be over and with that thinking she drifted to lala land.....

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