Chapter 11

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Finally, we're going back to school on Monday, I can't wait to see my friends again and I can't wait for another holiday too. We're going back home tomorrow and I'm honestly gonna miss my cute cousins.
"Babe, let's go bhai is waiting for us in the car" Amira said bringing me out of my reverie.
We're having a family dinner/cousin's night out in redsilk.
Me and amira are dressed in a cargo pants and t-shirt with a hoodie and a jersey wrap.

"Ohk, let's go" i said while putting my phone in my Louis Vuitton bag.
We entered the car with taslim and he drove off.
We arrived at the place and like seriously, the place is looking so Masha Allah. The people their where all looking exquisite and like seriously I started feeling insecure about my own dressing but when I looked around I saw most people dressed like I am and it was such a relief.
We sat down on our table.
We ordered vegetarian pizza for all of us.Chinese fried rice for Amira and strawberry shake,pasta for ya Aneesa and smoothie, yam &egg sauce for Adda sabeeha with smoothie, Quesadilla for me and bhai with oreo shake, chilli fried rice for maryam and beef fusilli for Ayaan. Their food is tasty and the way they present it is out of the world, everything about them is so Masha Allah, I will recommend anyone to try their quesadilla it tastes heaven.
After we're done eating we gisted, took some pictures and ordered waffles and fajita wrap before leaving, this is the best cousin's night out i ever enjoyed. It was a blast.
We came back home and started another round of gisting while eating our fajita wraps and waffles. It was honestly the best night ever, we talked about everything and nothing until we're all tired and retired to bed. I posted some of the pictures we took on ig and seriously, come see comments but one comment caught my attention, she said and I quote "enjoy every moment now cause you won't be too happy to enjoy it later, your smile will soon turn into tears😏".
I showed maryam and Amira, they read the comment and passed me the phone. Just then amira on her data and notifications started popping up.

"Amira pls put your phone on silent" i said.
She was just staring at her phone, shocked and my curiosity got the better of me.

"What are you staring at durrah" I asked.
She laughed humorously.

"I knew it has to be her, she was the one that commented" amira said.

"Who commented? What are you saying" i and maryam said in unison.

"You don't follow her durrah, you don't chat on ig that's why, maryam go carry your phone and check" Amira said.

"What the jahannam! She was the one" maryam said.

"What are you guy's talking about, who is she?" I asked confusion written all over my face. I checked my phone to see the user name of the person who commented and it was baddie_cutie.

"Do you know this baddie_cutie of a girl" I asked.

"It's hanan" they said unison. "I even forgot that's her username" maryam added.
To say I was shocked was an understatement.

"Let's go to sleep, it's not a big deal"i said.

"It's no big deal you say, this girl is clearly showing you bitter resentment" Amira said.

"She's showing how much she hate's you out in the open and you're saying it's not a big deal" maryam said.

"I have told you before and I will tell you again, this girl is not a person to rely on, let her go before it's too late durrah, let her go before she destroys you" Amira said with so much concern.

"Okay! I will think about it but for now let's go to sleep" i said.
Hanan can go to any length to destroy a person, she can go to any length to make that person suffer for reasons unknown to them.
With that thinking she drifted to lala land.....

The next day,
Mami came to pick us up, I bid goodbye to my cousins with a promise to meetup during Adda sabeeha's wedding. Yes! Her marriage has being fixed December 25th.
After what felt like forever we arrived at home. God is good to be home. Home sweet home, I missed you.
I went up and and showered, then came downstairs for lunch, I won't lie I missed Mami's food. I ate my food in silence while savoring every bite of the food.
After lunch we talked and talked until it was time for asr and we all went to pray. I prayed asr and decided to take a 10minutes nap.

"Wake up! Wake up! It's time for isha, did you even pray magrib " Adda sabeeha said.

"Wait, what! It's time for isha? You didn't care to wake me up" i said while stretching my hands.
My 10 minute's sleep turned to a 4hrs sleep. May god deliver me. I quickly performed ablution and prayed before going downstairs.
I went downstairs and saw bhai with Adda sabeeha, I mentally rolled my eyes and smiled at him. He called me and gave a leather, I opened it and saw shawarma and chocolates.

"Awww, bhai you're the best" I said while blowing him a kiss.

"Keh, leave this place I can't risk my husband to be" Adda sabeeha said teasingly.

"Ye yen yen! He was my brother first and if i didn't pull that stunt when we were playing truth or dare you guy's wouldn't be here so you should be thankful" I said while narrowing my eyes at her.

"Ofc lil sis, i love you and thank you, now go" Adda sabeeha said.

"Whatever" I said.
I removed the chocolate and stuffed them in my school bag for tomorrow. I kept one for Adda sabeeha because I'm not ready for her rantings. The shawarmas are three and I can't eat them all. Hahaha, I laughed i know what to do because I will never let Adda sabeeha eat this shawarma.
I took one to mami, she love's shawarma. I took one to hamma Aneel, he's still here but he's leaving next week.
I ate one peacefully while watching true beauty.
After i finished munching my shawarma, Adda sabeeha came in.

"Has he left" I asked.

"Yes, here it's from amira, she's being grounded so she can't chat with you". She said handing me a letter.
I collected it and put it aside to read tomorrow.

"Where's my shawarma" she asked after changing her clothes.

"What shawarma, did you give me your shawarma?" I asked looking at her with a raised brow.

"Don't tell me you ate it all" she said.

"I gave mami one, hamma Aneel one and I ate one but here's the chocolate I kept for you" i said
She collected it while glaring at me.

"Good night, Adda, i love you and please wake me up early tomorrow, you know tomorrow is Monday" i said.

"Good night myhiko ai, I hate you" she said while smirking.

"Whatever, I know you love me". I said and with that I drifted to lala land.

How is the chapter?
Adda sabeeha is getting married too and hanan I don't know what her problem is.
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