Chapter 3

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It's being two weeks since Ammi slipped into a coma, Khadijah is always in the hospital talking to Ammi, telling her about how her day went and so many things, with each day that passes she's slowly turning into a psychopath. So Abi decided that she moves in with Adda because he can't see his lil girl's lfe becoming pathetic, she need's someone to calm her, she needs someone to be with her. She agreed to move in with Adda but what Adda said was the least she ever expected.
Adda said she can't move in with her because what she needs right now isn't sisterly love but motherly love. She suggested that she goes to kaduna and live with Mami, Khadijah was Awestruck, how can Adda suggest this,why will she do this to her, she of all people knows mami doesn't like her because she thinks she's a spoilt brat and let's not talk about Mami but hamma Aneel, how on earth is she supposed to live with that disgusting guy under one roof.she thought to herself but what is done is done, Abi had already agreed to it.
Khadijah's pov
I went to my room and cried, i cried and cried, I blamed Akhi for everything, I blamed Ammi, I blamed Adda, how can they all be so selfish, Ammi of all people, why did she have to be like that when she knows that she has a little daughter who still doesn't know the ways of the world, how can she leave her in the hands of these cruel world... she made a vow to never cry for anyone or anything again.
And with that she became a cold hearted girl.
I am leaving for kaduna tomorrow morning . I have being packing my clothes but it seems like I'm not even half done.
Finally she finished packing her clothes and lie on the bed thinking about tomorrow, how her life will change tomorrow. She's finally going to be free from all troubles or so she thought but little did she know that this is just the beginning of her misery.
Will her misery end after a while? Will she come back to the normal ummi everyone knows? Will she change to the childish girl who is always open and never buckle up her feelings? We will only find out if we dive in more into the story


KADUNA, Nigeria 🇳🇬
She's finally in kaduna and on her way to Mami's home. She has being here when she was 10yrs old, this city holds so many memories of hers... her mind drifted to when she met Mami's nephew when she first came
She was playing in the garden when she saw a boy coming towards her....she looked up to see who it was and she got lost in his looks, everything about him is perfect, his blue icy eyes,pointed nose, small pouty pink lips, tall and very very handsome.... 
She snapped to reality when he called her name Khadijah
God how does he know my name she thought
Hey she said how do you know my name?
Ohh Your mami told me...ohhh she said
What's your name she asked
My name is Muhammad he answered
You're my fathers namesake, my name is Khadijah but you can call me ummi
Ohk he mumbled to himself but loud enough for her to hear
They became best friends from there but she always had a crush on him
She thought after she leaves she will forget him
Yes she did forget him but Allah had other plans and she's finally back... is she still crushing on him she thought....will he even remember her? Will she ever meet him again? He must have grown to be a fine boy with no worries in life she thought and for the first time after so many weeks she smiled a genuine one.
But will she continue flashing her billion dollar smile that everyone love's or will she settle for the fake smile she's being giving?
He's now 15 she thought
He's a teenager, maybe he even has a girlfriend....
Ummi ummi she heard her name being called and she was brought out of her reverie
        End of flashback

We have arrived her father said, the gate man opened the gate and greeted them as they went into the house she looked up and realized nothing have changed for the past two year's, the house is still the same... she came out of the car and followed Abi they salam and went into the living room, it was as if they were all waiting for them, they welcomed them and to her surprise Mami engulfed her in a hug....

They finished eating and Khadijah was shown her room, she will be sharing a room with Adda sabeeha. Hamma Abubakar is not yet back from school....
Why is the house so peaceful today she thought
Ohhhh that annoying guy isn't here but where is he she asked no one in particular. He must be in school she thought and shrugged it off.

It's being two days since she came to kaduna, Abi left yesterday and surprisingly she hadn't seen that annoying stepbrother of hers... hamma Aneel .
Leaving in kaduna wasn't as bad as she thought but maybe she was wrong.
This city will inflict so much pain in her, this city will turn her into a heartless person.

Today is sunday she's starting school tomorrow jss1. She's currently watching kdrama with Adda sabeeha. She was thirsty so she went down to get water, she was going downstairs when she bumped into someone....She looked up to see who it was. She was shocked
  Angry bird , he said;
You.......she trailed offf

Who do you think ummi saw?
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