Chapter 10

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It's a being a week since we played that game and bhai took Adda sabeeha on a date, He confessed his feelings for her. Yes! He was in love with her all along. Mami and anty halima know about it, they want to fix their wedding date. Hamma Aneel and maryam are currently dating, Amira and ayman too. Ayman is not someone that likes mingling with people, you hardly see him around people so it still remains a wonder how he fell for Amira. Anty laila is Mami's cousin sister which makes her Muhammad's mother. She has three children....
Muhammad, Ayman and maira.
Muhammad is waiting for admission to UMYUK, Ayman will graduate from senior secondary school next session, maira will enter jss1 next session.
The holiday will soon be over and in this holiday Abi didn't come home. Whenever i talk to him about coming over to see Ammi he always say's no and I wonder why. I stopped asking him and I made a promise to go back to my Ammi after I finish secondary school because that woman doesn't deserve this, she took care of me for twelve good years, I can't just abandon her when she needs me the most. I will go back and take care of my Ammi after I finish secondary school, she need's me. Adda Amra called me, she's pregnant and she apologized for not being there when I needed her, she was selfish, she didn't think about me but only herself. I forgave her and now we talk like 3times a day on the phone.

Muhammad and I are dating, we promised to be there for each other through the highs and low's. He's honestly the best partner one will ever ask for.

Hamma Abubakar is in his final year, we will soon go for his passing out parade in wudil, I can't wait to be honest.
We're currently in the room with maryam and Amira.

"So you wanted to tell us something" Amira said adjusting her night gown before sitting down on the bed.

"I wanted to tell you about the diamond necklace muhammad gifted me that day and also the cold shoulder Hanan has being given me" i said.

"Wait, what! He gifted you a diamond necklace, ya Allah and you didn't care to tell us, I'm so happy for you though" maryam said.
Amira was looking at me with tear's in her eyes. This girl can be such a drama queen Wlhi.

"He really loves you girl, not because he gifted you a diamond necklace, no far from it" Amira said.

"Thank you guy's I really appreciate everything. Thank you for your constant support, I don't know how life would be without you by my side" I said with tear filled eyes.

"Cmon no thank you between us and no sorry, Ohk" they said in unison while hugging me.

"That reminds me I told hanan about it and she was like, I should return the necklace and that no one gives such a gift without asking for anything in return" i said.

"Gosh! This girl is so annoying why will she thinks something like this" maryam said.

"Come to think of it ever since you told us you were in love with him she started changing, not even towards you but all of us, she doesn't talk much in the group now seff. That day when we were urging you to tell him about your feelings i swear I saw her glaring at us, Abegii leave that girl alone, you can do without her. Maybe it's because she doesn't have anyone that said he love's her till date, she's jealous of your success. Didn't you hear how she was even talking about hamma Aneel just because he gifted you an iPhone. Mtsww ! Wlhi if I were you, i would have left her alone, let her dwell in her jealousy"she concluded while hissing.
Well that's Amira for you, this girl can gossip for Africa.

"So it wasn't only me that saw her glaring at you, wlhi I thought my eyes were just playin tricks on me so I decided to ignore it but it's true she did glare at you guy's. Why though?" I asked confusion written all over my face.

"Is she maybe in love with Muhammad" maryam said while narrowing her eyes at me.

"Even if she is, it's better she stop because Muhammad love's my durrah and he will only love her" Amira said.

"Guy's I'm sleepy let's forget about her pls" i said.
Amira turned off the light and we all laid down. I couldn't sleep I was just thinking about what Maryam said, is she maybe in love with him and does she expect me to sacrifice my love for her.
She laughed humorously, well never, I will never sacrifice muhammad for her. Ever since we were kid's I have always sacrificed my things for her, well we're not kid's anymore, I can sacrifice anything for her but not Muhammad atleast not in this lifetime.
With that thinking she drifted into a deep slumber.

Hey guy's, sorry for the late update!
What do you think about hanan? Is she in love with Muhammad? What do you think will happen? Will this tear the two sisters apart or bring them closer?

Pls don't forget to vote

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