Chapter 5

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At home 🏠
We were all watching a movie in the living room when I turned and called out to hamma Aneel who was sitting next to me, he looked at me with a raised brow and asked what!
I wanted to ask you who's maimuna salisu danmulki and why were you all surprised when I called her name?
Hmmmm, she's the head girl of the school an....
Who's the head boy, I interrupted him.
Me of course who else, he said with so much passion.
I shook my head and asked him to continue, Ohk! He said.
She's the head girl in the elite royalty Academy, she's very calm and always polite, she's a kind hearted girl but I don't know why All the juniors are scared of her, even the seniors, maybe because she's a no nonsense girl, she will deal with you if she finds you going against the rule's and regulations of the school, you never get in her way and go Scott free, you cannot disrespect anyone and get away with it, there's no bullying in her dictionary, if she find's you bullying a student even if you're her classmate she will deal with you, if she finds you insulting a senior or it's reported to her she will make sure you never try it again. They think she's heartless, wicked and mean but she's not, us her classmates know who she really is, precisely me because we have being together since primary, we're like childhood friends or so I think....he concluded.
I was looking at him in awww because the way he was defining her with so much enthusiasm one will think he's in love with her, or is he?
Hamma are you in love with her, I bloated out without thinking and I regretted it instantly because both mami and Adda sabeeha turned to look at me like I have grown two heads.
Adda sabeeha was amused and suddenly found what we were talking about interesting, are you in love with her Aneel, she asked.
He was looking at us stunned without saying anything.
Mami smiled and said Allah ya shirya yaran zamani before walking out of the living room.
Both me and Adda sabeeha are now lsitting crossed leg looking at him waiting for him to talk.
I think I do bu....
Wow I said before he could finish.
I and Adda sabeeha smirked and turn to him, lover boy, we said in unison.
We kept teasing him until we're both tired because he isn't even paying attention to us.
But who is she? I didn't see her when I came to your class earlier.
You saw her, you even talked to each other, he said.
When, I asked.
She's the girl that gave you chocolate and hugged you.
To say I was surprised is an understatement, ohhhh... I said; that's why you guy's were looking at me shocked earlier.
I like the girl Wlhi, she has this calm Aura around her and positive vibe, the way she talk's ehn slowly slowly, bit by bit, calmly, her voice is laced with so much authority and she's very beautiful Masha Allah... I concluded.
  We talked about everything and nothing until we were both sleepy and went to our various room's.

Tuesday went by without any headache except for that girl Amina who kept giving me attitude but apart from her the rest were all very friendly and we clicked instantly.

Wednesday also went by quickly, it is sport day today and for the first time since I came to this school, I saw Muhammad, I never knew he's also in this school and he too didn't know. He's in ss1, he introduced me to some of his friends and they kept complimenting me.
And that's how the week flew by without her talking to any of her family members. Abi didn't come back in that week because he's very busy. Kaduna is treating her good for the time being. She's getting to know people, she's starting to change to her old self, she's finally healing or so she thought.

Life went on as usual and it's the end of the term, she's very happy that she will go to Abuja for her holiday or so she thought. Today being the end of term, they all have to perform a play with the person they're hitched, it's always as usual her partner is Muhammad, they're chosen for a play of the fulani. They looked really cute together. The day went by and they're back home, she performed really well and she received her gifts for
The most beautiful in her class
The neatest in her class
Best in maths
First position
The most polite.
Both Abi and mami were impressed with her. If only Ammi was here, she thought.
Abi is going back to Abuja and he isn't taking her with him, he said not now. She was shattered by his word's but she didn't cry, I will go next holiday, no problem, she assured herself.

Her fav cousin hannatu (hanan)came to kaduna to spend the holiday with her.
She's Ammi's niece. Her mother is Ammi's step sister, they were a trio with their other step sister, they grew up together and did everything together only marriage separated them.
Ammi is the oldest
Then Anty Amina, Hanan's mother,
Then Anty safiyya.
Anty Amina lives in Kano while anty safiyya lives in katsina. Anty safiyya doesn't have children our age, so me and hanan are the two duo's, each other's favorites.
Ammi has a sister, her biological sister her name is Anty halima. She lives in kaduna with her 5 children. Her last two children are my agemates.
So, when hanan came, we were taking to their house for a sleepover, we really love each other very much, not until we started growing up.
When mami came to pick us up after spending the night at anty Halima's, our cousins didn't want us to go, Amira and maryam, so mami asked them to pack their bag's, they can spend the holiday at our home, can you believe it not only the night but the entire holiday.
Muhammad, Mami's nephew also came to spend the holiday and we had an amazing time altogether.
I told my cousin's that I'm head over hills for him and they urge me to tell him because from the way he always looks at you it's obvious, Amira and maryam said.
Surprisingly, hanan didn't say anything and I can swear I saw her glaring at Amira and Maryam but I just decided to shrug it off maybe my eyes are playing tricks with me. I looked at her and I can swear I saw she was hurt, but what hurt her?
I decided to asked her and she said it was nothing so I let it slide.

If only she didn't let it slide, if only she tried to find out what's happening then the time will never have come when she will be broken beyond repair.

The holiday went by smoothly with hanan giving her a cold shoulder sometimes, everyone went back to their various homes and they cried when they were parting, they cried and hugged each other as if their lives depended on each other, they separated making a promise to meet up next holiday

Why is hanan giving her a cold shoulder?
Will ummi confess her feelings to him?
We touched a little about Ammi's family, we will soon touch a little about Abi's family
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Muah 💋

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