Chapter 17

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Ya salim was about to retaliate when madeeha held his hand

"Ya salim, please not today" madeeha said.

"What the freaking jahannam, what the hell do you think you're doing muhammad" i said.

"Oh, now you want to side with him" Muhammad said sarcastically.

"What do you mean by that and what on earth are you doing here?" I asked.

"Great! So now you don't want me here but you can bring your so called ya salim here right" he said.
To say I was surprised was an understatement. Is this really the Muhammad I know. Amira, hanan, maryam and madeeha were watching the drama unfold silently, I guess anty amina and Akhi jalil are not home.
To avoid any other hassle, I decided to just walk out of the place but Muhammad won't let me go so easily.

"Don't you there walk out on me when I'm talking" muhammad yelled which made me halt and I turned to look at him.
I looked into his eyes but the only thing I saw was fury, anger and jealousy. I have never seen this side of him and for the first time in my life I'm afraid of him, afraid to go close to him, afraid to get him to talk because his word's might leave a scar. I took a step backward and he took a step forward.

"What is it I have done to deserve this muhammad" i asked on the verge of tears.

"You're asking me what you have done to deserve this? Don't you know what you did, you bloody muderer" he said.
My hands were shaking but did he just call me a murderer. It wasn't my fault, I promise it wasn't my fault, it was a mistake, I never meant to kill him, I didn't kill him, it was a game, I didn't know he was going to suffocate and die.
The sound of two hot slaps which landed on Muhammad's face brought me out of my reverie. Hanan and Amira slapped him.

"How dare you call her a murderer" hanan, maryam and amira said in unison, looking at him with disgust.

"I...I...did...didn'" he stuttered.
Both madeeha and ya salim were watching the drama, ya salim just wants to pounce on him but is restricting himself because of madeeha.
He came forward to where I was standing and I stepped backward, he stepped forward and I stepped backward again shaking my head.

"Heyy, angry bird I didn't mean to, I promised it just slipped out of my mouth" he said.
I was just shaking my head but i wasn't crying, I can't be weak in front of him, I can't let him see my weakness.

"Leave, leave before I do something both you and I are going to regret later" maryam bellowed.

"No, wait pls, my noor pls don't do this, pls forgive me. I didn't mean to" he said.
Meanwhile I was just looking at him shaking my head, it's evident that there were tears in my eyes but they weren't falling.

"Didn't you hear, leave" hanan said.

"Leave, just leave, I never expected this from you muhammad" Amira said.
He turned to leave when I called out to him.

"Muhammad, this isn't my Muhammad, where is my Muhammad, where is the Muhammad I was head over hills for. Where's the Muhammad I used to be happy to talk to, where's the Muhammad that never shout at me? Where's the Muhammad that never makes a decision whilst angry? Where's the Muhammad that used to trust me ? Where's the Muhammad that never doubt my love for him? Where's the Muhammad that never question my intentions? I love my muhammad, I want my Muhammad back, I want the loml back, I can't do without my Muhammad. Leave and never show me your face again until the Muhammad I fell for is back" i said coldly, not minding wether my tone is harsh or not.
He left and I slipped on the floor and the tears I have being holding back began to fall. My cousin's and madeeha surrounded me, drawing soothing circles on my back. I calmed down and we went inside the living room and sat down until I broke the silence.

"Ya salim, I'm sorry" I said.

"No, never mind, it's not your fault. I understand" he said.

"Usoko Miyetti sosai" i said.

"I hate him" the girl's said in unison. We looked at each other and we burst out laughing.
We were gisting, forgetting about the incident that happened earlier. Ya salim left earlier, he will come back and take us home after maghrib.

"Hanan, where's anty and akhi jalil" i asked.

"They went out, I don't know when they're coming back. I'm alone with the maid" she said.

"Hanan, we want to talk to you" amira said.

"I'm all ears" hanan answered.

"About this comment" maryam said showing her the comment.

"Yh, I wanted to talk to you about it too. My account was hacked, I didn't comment on that, I have even deleted the account now and opened a new one" hanan said.

"What a relief, I thought it was you" i said.

"We thought so too" maryam and amira said in unison.
Madeeha was just looking at us because she doesn't have anything to say.
We talked about everything and nothing, we didn't know it was time for asr until anty amina and akhi jalil came back.
We exchanged our greetings and the first thing she asked us was have we prayed. We looked at each other then checked the time ya Allah it's 5:49, we rushed upstairs to the room and prayed. We went to the kitchen and made some pancakes. We ate our pancakes and went back to gist. We gisted until it was time for maghrib, we prayed and we set to go home. We sat down in the living room then uncle sufyan came back - hanan's father. We greeted him and he was very happy to see us. He asked me to see him before leaving and I nodded then he went upstairs.
A few minutes after, ya salim came. He called madeeha to inform us to come out, they went out and I went upstairs to uncle sufyan. He brought out five hundred naira note's and gave me to share with my friends,I don't know how much. Anty amina gave me a mini gift bag. I thanked them profusely and left.

Heyy fam😁
So why did Muhammad call our ummuAbiha a murderer?
Team ya salim or team Muhammad?
Hanan wasn't the one that commented or is she lying?
Vote pls

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