Chapter 7

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I made a mental note to ask Adda sabeeha if we go to the room. We finished watching the movie in silence and we finally went to the room.
"Adda sabeeha, can I ask you something? I said.

" yes go on" she said

"Why didn't Abi come"? I asked. I swear I could read that she was sad. But why?

"It's about time you know you have grown up now. Abba is never around to celebrate with us, he was always in Abuja with you guy's, he only visit us once in a while and then go back,we grew up without a father's love, we kept yearning for him until we eventually gave up, until we no more look forward to the day he will come, you know I used to count the day's he will come, I will calculate and estimate and keep waiting for that day until I eventually stopped, mami fill that void in our lives and we no longer yearn for Abba. Mami is a strong woman you know, she never complains and she never questioned Abba. I hated you guy's when I was a child but when i started growing up I stopped eventually because it's of no use. Aneel was always mean to you because he thought that you took away his father's love, he thinks that if only you weren't there then he wouldn't have to yearn for his father's love. When he told Mami that you will come back to kaduna we thought that he will finally return to us, but we were wrong, both Aneel and I understood something, maybe it wasn't really all about you guys, maybe it wasn't because of you, Abba has always being like this and he will never change or so we think" Adda sabeeha concluded with tear's in her eyes.
I hugged her and calm her down, hamma Aneel was standing by the door all these while with Mami and they joined us in the hug.

"I really didn't know, Abi was always at home but i never cared to ask him why he doesn't visit kaduna. Maybe it wasn't really about me, since I'm here and he still don't care less. From now on i promise I won't ask about him. They are all very selfish, they don't care about their little girl, they just throw me in the hands of this cruel world, Akhi, Ammi, Adda Amra and then now Abi". I concluded.

We talked about everything and nothing and we decided to open the gift's I was given.
For overall student in junior section, I was given a food warmer.
For 1st position, I was givens a wrist watch.
For best in maths, I wa given a mathematical set, calculator and some ss1 text books.
For the most polite, I was given an umbrella.
The gift mami gave me consist's of a mini family frame, it was an old frame, we took the pictures five years ago, the whole family was around at that time, everything was normal and everyone was happy. Then some accessories and Abaya with hijab the one I wanted and kept pestering her to buy for me. I couldn't thank her more, I hugged her and mumbled a silent prayer for her.
The gift Adda sabeeha gave me consist's of some perfumes, roll on, body spray, pads and some skin care products. I thanked her and hugged her while glaring at her because why will she include pad and she was urging me to open it in front of Mami and hamma Aneel. I made a mental note to ask her after they leave the room.
The gift hamma Aneel got me was on another level, it was a brand new iPhone 12 mini and a SIM card. I thanked him profusely.
The gift my friend hauwa gave me was a friendship bracelet with our inscription.
Then lastly the gift muhammad gave me it was a fine diamond necklace. Everyone was shocked to see it, to say we were shocked is an understatement even though his dad is a billionaire but why would he go that far to buy a diamond necklace for me. Then a letter, I opened the letter and I was met by the most beautiful handwriting I have ever seen....
Dear Angry bird,
You're a star among galaxies, stand out among peers, a woman so bold and elegant, sweet like honey, pretty like pearls.
My noor,
You are the light that shines in my world noor, you're the summer in winter thawing the chills away, you're the magic in every doll and monotonous life, painting all journeys with different hills of love and happiness. I still remember the first day we met and you know what meeting was one of the best things in my life, I still remember the moments we spent together till date. You're the best thing that ever happened to me.
Ever since the day I set my eyes on you, I knew you were the one, I knew we were meant to be together, without you life would be meaningless noor,
I love you with every part of me, please don't reject my proposal, please don't leave me noor, I won't be able to live without you, you have become my other half and without my other half i will perish. I love you more than words can express, I promise to be there for you in every step of the way noor, i promise to be a rock and guide throughout this journey called life, will you accept me and be with me till the very end?, will you marry me esgham?
Pls say yes!
I didn't know I was crying until mami pat me on the head.
"Say yes my dear, I assure you he won't break your heart and i know you love him too" mami said and kissed me goodnight then left for her room.

"Say yes munchkin, I know muhammad very well and I know he won't break your heart, I will also give him a warning to never break my sister's heart if not he will face my wrath" hamma Aneel said before bidding us goodnight.

"You love him I know, I can see that my little sister is all grown up, say yes and yes we I will operate your phone tomorrow. When you will say yes call me so that I will give him a warning to never break my sister's heart, Ohk!" Adda sabeeha said with that we said goodnight and lied down to sleep.

Honestly I couldn't thank Allah more for giving me this understanding family, when I thought my life will never be perfect again, here it is and the Almighty have proved me wrong.
I miss Akhi, I miss Ammi, I miss Adda amra and her children.
I mumbled a prayer for them all before drifting to lala land.....
   End of flashback.

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