Chapter 13

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Life went on as usual, Adda Amra calls me every day, we talk about everything and nothing and about ammi too. Muhammad has being nothing but supportive and that's very kind of him, he's honestly one of the best things that ever happened to me.  Adda sabeeha has graduated from university, her graduation was fun. Hamma Abubakar is graduating on 8th November, the day I was born and I know it's going to be so much fun, only school can hinder the fun we're gonna have.
We're leaving for kano tomorrow, a day before his graduation. We're going to stay in one of Abi's friends house, childhood friend he calls him.
Ammi has being moved to a hospital here in kaduna. So Abi is now always at home and atlast my family is slowly getting back together.
Mami took excuse for me in school, so I'm currently at home, today being Thursday since we're leaving tomorrow. I can't wait for tomorrow, I can't wait to see Abi's childhood friend, I can't wait to visit kano, but most importantly I can't wait for hamma's graduation.
With that thinking she drifted into a deep slumber....
The next day.
"Hurry up keh, we're not going to wait for you" Adda sabeeha said.

"Yeyeyen, I'm coming" I said.
I quickly grabbed my bag and went out, everyone was already seated in the car. I went in and we left.
It was a good three hours drive, it was exhausting but I heard so much fun vibing with Adda sabeeha.
Nasarawa, GRA.

We arrived at Abi's friend house and I was looking at the house mouth agape. Everywhere was screaming money.

"Ya ilahi, Abi's friend is a multi-billionaire" i whispered to Adda sabeeha.

"That's what I'm seeing" Adda sabeeha said while staring at the house.
We hopped out from the car and headed towards the main entrance, leaving the driver to bring in our luggage.
We said our taslim and went in, they were all waiting for us to arrive.
We exchanged our greetings and they showed us our various rooms, we freshen up and came downstairs. Abi's friend whom I learnt his name is Abdulazeez and his wife are very nice. He has four children but since I came, I only saw three. Two boys one girl.
Madeeha, Nasir and Zayan.

"Mami, where's the other child, aren't they four" i asked.

"Yes, they're four, madeeha go and call Salim" mama said, uncle Abdulazeez's wife.
After few minutes he came downstairs, I turned to look at him. As I turned,my eyes met his, and I was struck by his chiseled features. His piercing blue eyes sparkled with warmth, framed by thick lashes and strong brow. His nose was straight and his lips curved into a slight smile, revealing a hint of dimples. His jawline was defined, with a subtle scruff that added a rugged touch to his polished features. His dark hair was messy in a stylish way, with a few strand's falling across his forehead. His skin had a warm, golden glow as if kissed by the sun. He stood tall, with broad shoulders and a fit build that exuded confidence without being imposing. His gaze held mine, and I felt a flutter in my chest, as if time had paused leaving only the two of us in that moment.

"Lower your gaze girl" Adda sabeeha said bringing me out of my reverie.

"Uhm...uh, I'm not staring" i said glaring at her.
She rolled her eyes and continued gisting.
Salim greeted mami and Adda sabeeha, since he's the same age as hamma Aneel and also the first born of uncle Abdulazeez.
His smile was enchanting, i was looking at him until he brought me out of my reverie.

"Take a picture, it lasts longer" he said smirking.

"Hahaha, bless your delusional heart" I said.

"Noi indema" he asked

"Wow, you speak fulfulde? Indema Khadijah but call me ummi" I said.

"Yes I speak, nice meeting you ummi" he said and winked at me before leaving.
We did so much in the evening, with the maid's helping, I was so tired and I retired to bed early, but the funniest part is that i couldn't sleep I kept thinking about salim but I can't help it.
His eyes were a deep, rich blue, like a clear summer sky or a still ocean pool. They sparkled with kindness and intelligence, fringed with lashes that added to their allure. His smile was gentle, with a hint of mischief, as if he knew a secret he was eager to share. His hair was dark and messy, with few strand's falling across his forehead in an endearing way. His skin had a warm, golden glow, as if he spent time outdoors, and his features were chiseled, with high cheek bone and a strong jawline that spoke of determination and resilience. His nose was straight, and his lips were full and inviting, curled into a subtle smile that hinted a sense of humor. He stood tall, with broad shoulders and a fit build that exuded confidence without imposing. His presence was both calming and energizing, like a breath of fresh air on a crisp morning.
Ya ilahi, Khadijah what are you saying, you have a bf.
With that thinking she drifted to lala land.....,

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