Chapter 2

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Khadijah's pov
Good bye ummuAbiha.....
The statement that changed her
I stopped crying and looked at him with bloodshot eyes, everything at that moment came to a halt, it was as if there are only two of us in the world, I shook my head still trying to register what he just said....Good bye ummuAbiha he said again which brought me back to reality.... He really said it, I looked at him trying to read his eyes, to pinpoint the emotions in his eye's but his expression was blank, it was as if all his emotions vanished,I staggered and fell on the floor while watching his retreating figure, I kept looking at him until he vanished.
Ya khalil came to take Addayi back home...he came in as soon as Akhi left, he was trying to register what just happened,he asked what's happening to no one in particular but he didn't get any answer, Ammi told Adda to go back home and she left with her husband.
I went back to my room and cried, i cried for no one in particular, i cried for the pain, i cried for Akhi, I cried for my broken home, I cried and cried until there were no more tears coming out of my eyes...I prayed and pour my heart out Allah. After that I made a mental note to not cry again I have to stay strong, if not for anyone for my Ammi.
I went to Ammi's room to check on her, I said my taslim but there was no answer, I knocked but there was no response so I entered and found Ammi staring at god knows what, I sat close to her and called her name but it seemed like she was in a different world. I engulfed her in a hug and that's when she noticed me,she looked at me, a look I couldn't read, a look of pity but something was amiss because for the first time in my life I couldn't read her emotions, it's as if she has no emotions left, I excused myself and left the room and cried blaming Akhi for everything because if only he hadn't left us, if only he hadn't we wouldn't have being like this.
And that's how slowly her family began to fall apart.
It's being four day's since Akhi left us, Ammi has being staring at god knows what, she's still in that position I found her, she hadn't move an inch,it's being four day's since she had anything to eat or drink. How can we possibly forget our Akhi, without him this house isn't fun, without him the house feels like graveyard,he isn't here to crack his silly joke's, he isn't here to tell me that this too shall pass, he isn't here to assure his little munchkin that everything will be okay, he isn't here to play pranks on adda, he isn't here to convince Ammi to do something, yes only Akhi can convince Ammi to do something she already said no to after all he's her favorite. Each day we kept waiting for Akhi to knock on the door even Abi is waiting for him to come back, I saw Abi crying last night holding his picture asking him to please come back. All attempts to find Akhi went futile, no one was able to find him even Abi.
Slowly slowly her life began to change
Life sure works in mysterious way! It's being a week now. She went to check on Ammi but what she found shocked her as she opened the door, Ammi is lying helplessly on the ground, she went and touched her calling her name but no response she quickly ran out of the room to call Abi, she came back together with Abi and they carried her to the hospital.
She took Ammi's phone and called Addayi, she told her everything and they are on their way to the hospital. Adda quickly hung up and got ready to go to the hospital with her husband since the twin's are in there grandparent's home.
They Arrived at the hospital and Ammi was taken into the emergency room,they were waiting there when Addayi came in with her husband, they all sat down there waiting, everyone lost in his own thought, minute's passed, it's being hour's and finally the doctor came out they all stood up waiting for the doctor to talk. I'm sorry we tried our best but....
Before he could finish his sentence both Khadijah and Addayi collapsed, they blacked out. Moments later they woke up and began to cry. Ammi is no more is she, they hugged each other for what felt like hour's crying and reliving every memory they had with Ammi. Soon after, ya khalil came in he was surprised to see them like that and at the same time sad because he don't know how to break the news to his wife that she had a miscarriage. Yes! Adda is three weeks pregnant the doctor confirmed but she didn't know.
Abi came in and Khadijah went and hug him, Abi where's Ammi ?she asked ; she's dead isn't she, she has also left us right?
No ummi, your Ammi is perfectly fine he said; how can she be fine when the doctor told us that she's dead....No she isn't dead, she just slipped into a coma he answered;
She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding and hugged Adda who was also thrilled to hear that but when will she wake up they began sobbing for that particular question and it got worst when ya khalil finally told her she had a miscarriage. They cried until they couldn't anymore.

What will happen to Ammi? Will she wake up? But most importantly what will happen to our ummuAbiha?
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