Chapter 12

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September 16th,
Royalty Academy.

"Hey gurl, it's being a while, I missed you like crazy to be honest" hauwa said while hugging me.

"I missed you too bae, I just hope our new form master/mistress hitch us close to each other" i said.

"Yes, that's why sometimes I wish the seat's where not single but double so that we can sit together" hauwa said.

"Yeah, we have alot of catching up to do, there's gist" i said.
Hauwa is the only person who knows me very well, she's the only person who knows mami isn't my mother but I didn't tell her about akhi and Ammi too. She just knows that mami is my step mother and I'm in love with her nephew.

"Hey, you know...." She was saying something but stopped when she sighted Mrs. Hassana coming into the class.

We exchanged greetings and we were all standing in front of the class waiting for her to give us our respectful seat's.

"Ya Allah, why does this woman have to be our class form mistress" i said in a low tone to hauwa who was standing next to me.

"Like seriously, Ngl this woman hate's me and I know she's going to be the end of me" hauwa said
I laughed at that and then suddenly I heard my name called.

"Barkindo, go and sit in the middle roll, second seat" Mrs hassana said.
I carried my bag and lunchbox and headed to my seat and sat down. You might be wondering why ss1 student goes with lunchbox right! Well I can't do without food. Even if I'm given money, I will spend it uselessly and end up being hungry, that's why me and hauwa prefer bringing food to school.

"Bakori, go and sit in the last roll, the last seat" Mrs hassana told hauwa.
Hauwa glared at her before going to where she's placed. Hauwa is actually taller than me, i think that's probably the reason why Mrs hassana asked her to sit at the back but she hate's back seat's.

Fatima is the one sitting in my front. Do you remember the duo in my class that i told you about, well halira left the school and now fatima is alone. Well I think we will kinda get along since she's sitting in front of me.
I have always being the one taking first place, Fatima second place, hauwa third place. This is how it has being since jss1 sometimes I wonder if there were no male's in the class. We have newcomers and one of the newcomers ikram is sitting In front of hauwa, the other newcomer ibrahim is sitting behind me, god this guy is handsome, very very handsome. Classes started and unfortunately for me it was economics first period, ya Allah how much I hated the subject from the very first day. Then biology, it's kinda interesting and boring at the same time. Finally it's break time and I can get to see my friend. She came to my seat with that girl ikram and honestly I don't like the girl, I get these negative vibe's from her.

"Heyy, let's eat" I told hauwa ignoring the girl.

"Okay" she said.

"Fatima, join us" i said.
She also brings food to school, that ikram of a girl went to the school shop to buy things and like seriously, she bought things worth more than 3k. I was just looking at her with my mouth agape until hauwa touched me.

"Hmmm, some people will just never change" i said while smiling sheepishly.

"Wlhi, showing off everywhere" hauwa and Fatima said in unison and we burst out laughing.
After we finished eating, the three of us were gisting with that ikram girl chirping in. This girl is a fake, one look I gave her, I knew she's bleaching, she also has fake hair, it's obvious since she let loosened her braid's from the ribbon she's wearing. I didn't like her at all. We were gisting about people who bleach and she left the place then salima walked up to us.

"Didn't you guy's hear the rumors" she said.
This girl can gossip for Africa, if you want to hear what's going on in the school or any latest gossip, go to her she will fill you in.

"What rumors" hauwa asked.

"This new girl in class, ikram" salima said.

"What about her" I asked.

"Well firstly from the look of her skin you know she bleach and her hair is fake but that's not the main gist, the main gist is that this girl is not even a virgin" salima said.

"What the jahannam, what lead her to losing her virginity" i asked.

"Hmm, she goes about sleeping with boy's, her father even sent her packing from his house, she's from kano, she's now staying with her aunty here, she's even on scholarship seff, I wonder how she got the scholarship with her brain, maybe hanya neh" salima said.

"Lallai, chaab as small as she is, she knows how to visit boyfriends" fatima said.

"Her father even said "taje zata gani" before he sent her packing, her mom dead when she was just a child and maybe it was lack of parental care that pushed her do these things,  her aunt took her in out of pity and she still hasn't mend her way's" salima added.

"Salima, better close that your mouth that knows how to gossip up and down before you get into trouble and moreover who told you all these about her" hauwa said.

"I heard the teacher's and principal talking about it in the staff room, anyways I just came to warn you guys stay away from her before she influences you" she said and left.

"Ya Allah this girl can gossip and they shouldn't have talked about it in front of a student now she's going to tell everyone in the class" i said pitying ikram.

Hauwa was about to talk when someone hugged me from behind making my cap fall. Ya Allah it was Amina. Yes! The same amina I fought with in jss1 we are now friends.

"Ya Allah, Amina meh haka neh" i said.

"OMG! Barkindo is this your hair, ya Allah" Amina said with mouth agape even fatima was staring with her mouth agape. I quickly put back my cap and smiled at her without saying anything.

"I see, my babe has started speaking hausa now" hauwa said.

"Yes ofc, tunda ina cikin hausawa dole na koya" i said.

"Your hair is showing oo, go to the washroom and tie it well" hauwa said.

"Come and escort me" i said.
I took my mini comb and took it to the washroom, I removed my cap and  loosened it from a bun and here comes fatima.

"Ya Allah, your hair has reached your waist, Masha Allah" Fatima said.
Me and hauwa chuckled and I finished combing it then tyed it to a bun. I don't plait my hair at all except for the calaba Addayi use to do to me when I was small. Hauwa collected the comb and combed her hair, her hair is also long, it stopped 3inches below her shoulder.
We went back to class and before we knew it, it was the end of the day and we all went home

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