Chapter 14

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Salim's pov
I was reading in my room when madeeha came to call me that Abba's family friend has arrived.

"Hamma, mama dodone" madeeha said.

"I'm coming" he said without sparing her a glance.
She stay rooted to where she was standing and he turned and raised a brow at her. Meaning, what?

"I wanted to fill you in about the people, so that if you don't want to meet them we will come up with an excuse" she said.

"There's no need, i will come and see them" he said.
She left the room and after a few minutes he left the room to go downstairs as he salaamed into the living room, his gaze fell on a particular girl.
Her eyes were a deep rich brown, like a warm chocolate or a cozy coffee shop. They sparkled with kindness and intelligence, fringed with lashes that added to there allure. Her hair was a wild tangle of curly black locks tied to a bun, framing her heart- shaped face and brightening her complexion. Her nose was as straight as a carrot slightly upturned, giving her a playful look. Her lips were pink and full curled into a subtle smile that hinted at a quick wit. She stood 5'5" with a petite build and a gentle grace that belied her sharp intellect. Her skin had a smooth, creamy texture, with a warm glow that came from within. Her eyebrows were perfectly shaped, adding a touch of sophistication to her features. Her smile was radiant, capable of lighting up a room with its warmth and sincerity. She moved with a fluid grace, her steps light and effortless, like a dancer gliding across the stage. Her laughter was music to the ears, a melodious sound that could brighten even the darkest of day's. She was a ray of sunshine, a breath of fresh air, and a soul that seem to sparkle with an inner light. Madeeha cleared her throat bringing me out of my reverie.
I went ahead and greeted her mom and sister, we exchanged pleasantries and i liked them.
I turned and saw her checking me out.

"Take a picture it last longer" i said with a smirk.

"Hahaha, bless your delusional heart" she said.

I asked her name, her name Khadijah, ummi, my ummi.
Ya ilahi, what's wrong with you subconscious asked.
He ignored everything he felt at that moment but will he ignore those things he felt forever? This remains as an unsolved mystery

I helped in the cooking, baking for the graduation.. I realized that the girl is an extrovert around people she's comfortable with but maybe she isn't with me.... We finished work and I retired to bed early thinking about ummi before drifting to lala land...,

The next day
Everyone was getting to ready to leave. I dressed in an A shape gown, the gown looks a little like ball gown, I tied my head tie and put on my veil, carried my bag and headed downstairs. I saw everyone was ready but I didn't see salim.

"I'm here let's go" he said.
He's dressed in a sky blue kaftan with a zanna bukar cap, he looks breathtaking.
We went out and we're going in two car's, we stuffed everything in the booth's then waited to see which car we will go with. Me, adda sabeeha, Nasir, madeeha and salim are in the same car, salim is the one driving.
Mami, mama and Zayan are in the same car with the driver.

"Ummi enter the front because i don't like sitting in the front" madeeha said winking at me.

"Same here" Adda sabeeha and nasir said in unison.
I was staring at them, even this little boy. They hopped into the back seat and left me standing.

"We don't have forever lil sis" Adda sabeeha said.
I reluctantly opened the front door and sat down. I can't say it wasn't fun, it was fun sitting with ya salim in the front, he sure knows how to gist. I took alot of pictures and of ya salim too while he's driving. We talked about everything and nothing until we arrived. We came out from our various cars and headed to the gate where you will have to show your pass before entering, we showed our pass and we entered, it was a long path to the parade ground, on reaching the parade ground one of hamma's junior who use to visit us came and took us to our seats where we will have a clear view, after a little while, anty halima's family arrived, anty Laila's family arrived, Abi and uncle Abdulazeez arrived, then hamma aneel, Muhammad and Ayman. It was very tiring, we were all seated since 7:00, we didn't even have breakfast and all the food were in the car. The president was the one delaying the event, atlas he didn't come but sent his vice, it started 11:00 and ended past 2:00, it was very tiring, we were all hungry, I was sitting close to ya salim and i kept cursing under my breath but he heard me, he gave me two bars of chocolate and I happily collected it until I saw Muhammad glaring at me and ya salim, awww someone is jealous, I munched my chocolates while taking videos of the graduates, some of them kept fainting. The parade finished and we went down to take pictures and go eat. Mami and Abi removed something from his shoulders, I don't know what it's called. We took alot of pictures everyone was happy. We left to get our food, we ate and happily chatted with my cousins and the rest until I started feeling sleepy. I kept looking for ya salim to unlock the car for me but I didn't find him, I went to where the car's are parked and I saw him inside, i went in and adjusted the seat and slept.

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