10. close gate

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⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ Mike and Hopper thought of a plan!

Now, in Gina's opinion, the plan is terrible. But it's a plan and they're going for it. What more can they loose?

She isn't sure it's been completely thought through yet, they came up with it in only a few minutes.

But nonetheless, Hopper gives everyone jobs to do: him and Steve empty everything out from the shed in the backyard, Max and Stephanie go and find anything to cover the walls with, Mike finds something that will wake Will up, and Gina and Nancy's job is to staple everything to the walls, completely disguising the shed.

Gina stands on a chair, a staple gun in hand, hanging up the never ending amount of tarps up onto the walls. A chair is brought in from the kitchen, placing it in front of a pillar. Mike tapes big lights to the pillar in front of it.

It's all ready.

Everyone waits around for a few minutes, not really wanting to fully go through with it yet. Also, Steve says he can't find his sister, but Gina thinks he's just having one of his moments again.

"I'm gonna go find her," Steve says. "Come with me, she's probably with your sister," he tells her, leading the way to the back door. Steve slams the door open, scaring the two girls as they awkwardly back away from each other. "Come on, it's been, like, fifteen minutes we're all waiting."

The girls stand up, and Gina notices them holding hands. She looks at Steve, seeing that he's eyeing them too.

Back in the shed, everyone is still taping cardboard, newspapers, tarps, and aluminum foil to the wall, just to be sure.

There are two cardboard covered chairs across from each other, one for Will, and one for someone else.

Hopper tells Gina to cut down the clothesline, she isn't sure why until Jonathan ties Will to the chair.

Nancy and Gina both clear the kids out, just leaving Mrs. Byers, Hopper, Mike, and Jonathan left in the shed.

In the meantime, everyone else impatiently waits inside the Byers' house.

Steve is practicing his swing with a nailed bat, Dustin is looking out the window every five seconds, and Max, Lucas, and Stephanie are quietly talking in the hallway.

Gina sits back down at the kitchen table, bouncing her leg up and down. She doesn't know everyone that well, barely have spoken to them, but she knows how high the stakes are.

After only a few minutes, almost every single light inside starts to rapidly flicker. Everyone gathers at the back door, watching the shed through the window.

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