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Fade in to a quiet morning sky and tilt down to frame the exterior of Canterlot High. A steady buzz of conversation is heard as students make their way toward the entrance; dissolve to a busy hall inside and pan to follow a couple of students—one of whom is Featherweight—to the door leading to the gymnasium.

Both of them carry in loads of supplies, and through the doorway, assorted groups of students can be seen hunched down on the floor, hard at work making signs and banners.

Cut to inside the gym and zoom in slowly on the stage at the far end, set up with a drum kit, microphones, and amplifiers as for a band performance.

Among the design teams are the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Trixie, the latter of whom is working with two other girls.

A series of close-ups frames one group, then another, then Apple Bloom and Scootaloo adding their own touches to the Crusaders’ banner.

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle trade an approving smile, the latter holding a small can of paint with a brush resting inside.

A hand attached to an arm in a dark gray sleeve reaches into view to pluck the implement away, much to both girls’ surprise, and the camera cuts to the possessor of said arm—Sunset Shimmer.

Her demeanor is very much changed from the one she displayed in Equestria Girls, though, in that she has put on a genuine smile and a helpful tone.

Sunset: Want some help?

Bloom: Uh, no thanks. We’re good. (The other two nod uneasily.)

Sunset: (deflated) Oh. Okay. (She returns the brush to Sweetie’s can.)

Pinkie: (from o.s.) SUNSET SHIMMER!!

Cut to her, standing near the door and waving wildly, and zoom out quickly to frame Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow, and Rarity working on a sign of their own.

Pinkie: Over here!

The sight of the five brings a smile back to the former aspiring tyrant’s face, but as she crosses the floor, the grumbling whispers from the other participants lowers her mood again.

Sunset: (groaning, as she reaches the five, now all standing) I had no idea the whole school would be here.

Fluttershy’s hand on her shoulder cheers her a bit; now Pinkie and Rarity trade a look and quickly hold up the group’s handiwork.

Guitar, keyboard, drum kit, floating against a backdrop of night sky and stars with a musical staff and notes snaking across.

Rarity: Quite the eye-catching advertisement, if I do say so myself.

She pronounces “advertisement” in the British fashion, with the accent on the second syllable and a short I in the third.

Pinkie: And it smells like cake!

Fluttershy: It does?

As she sniffs in its direction, Pinkie demonstrates by shoving the sign up against her face for a moment, then backing o.s. It leaves freckles of glitter all over the yellow skin and a splotch of blue on the nose.

Pinkie: (from o.s.) I used frosting instead of paste!

Applejack: Uh, Fluttershy, you’ve got a little somethin’, uh… (She points at her own nose; Fluttershy brushes a little glitter off her cheek.)

Fluttershy: Did I get it?

Applejack: Heh…not exactly.

Sunset comes to the rescue, plying a cloth to get the mess off Fluttershy’s face, as Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna enter the gym. The latter carries a book under one arm.

My little pony:Rainbow Rocks(Oc inserted)Where stories live. Discover now