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Trixie: This is a travesty! (falling backward, hand to forehead) A travesty! (Adagio steps over to steady her, hand to shoulder.)

Adagio: (faking sympathy) It really is! The Rainbooms don’t deserve to be in the finals— (smiling) —not when your band was so much better in the semis.

(Zoom out slightly; Aria slips up on Trixie’s other side.)

Aria: And wanted it so much more.

Adagio: Alas, this is the way it’s going to be. Dazzlings versus Rainbooms.

(Sonata joins them.)

Sonata: Unless, of course, the Rainbooms don’t manage to make it to their set— (Trixie’s eyes pop; Adagio and Aria smirk her way.) —or are held up for some reason.

Trixie: (thoughtfully) Hmmm…

Zoom in to an extreme close-up of her face, which rearranges itself into a smile that broadcasts bad intentions loudly enough to register a mile away as a twisted chuckle escapes her throat.

From here, dissolve to a long shot of an outdoor amphitheatre and zoom in slowly. The Rainbooms are setting up their gear on the stage; cut to a close-up of them.

Rainbow: (into microphone) Check, one, two, testing, testing…

A tap on its head points out that it has no power; cut to Sunset, at a soundboard off to one side.

She slides one of the fader controls up to its maximum setting, and Rainbow tries the mic again.

Rainbow: (amplified) Testing…

The boost turns her voice into a souped-up chorus of echoes accompanied by a deafening feedback whine that sets the entire band’s eardrums and teeth vibrating—not to mention the stage.

Grinning sheepishly, Sunset brings the fader all the way down again to break off the cacophony. Cut to Fluttershy spinning her tambourine on a stand and making an adjustment with an Allen wrench.

Rose: This doesn’t make any sense. (Sunset steps into view.) We were awful!

(Twilight has laid the pink-haired girl’s notebook on the stage and has knelt among the others to look it over.)

Rose: Doesn’t anybody else think it’s strange that we’re the ones that made it to the finals?

Trixie: (from o.s.) Very strange.

All look toward her voice; cut to the Illusions at one end of the stage, ready for a scrap. Trixie has changed into her regular school clothes, and the other two do not wear their hats and mobile consoles.

Rainbow: What are you doing here, Trixie? (smiling mockingly, pointing toward seats) Pretty sure the losers are supposed to be up there in the cheap seats. (Close-up of Trixie.)

Trixie: (full ham mode) The Great and Powerful Trixie is the most talented girl at Canterlot High. (pointing to her own eyes) It is I who deserve to be in the finals—and I will not be denied!

On these last two words, she snaps her fingers and the camera pans to her bandmates, one of whom has seized the end of a lever protruding from the floor.

One good hard yank opens up a large trapdoor under the seven, dumping them screaming out of sight and leaving Applejack’s hat and a couple of loose pages of notes to flutter down after them.

A fabric chew toy tumbles into view from behind a stack of speakers at the far edge; zoom in on this as Spike jumps out to worry it.

Simple pleasure quickly gives way to slack-jawed shock, the toy falling from his jaws, when he sees what has just transpired.

My little pony:Rainbow Rocks(Oc inserted)Where stories live. Discover now