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*** Until the end of this act, all characters appear in pony form. ***

(From here, dissolve to the closed double doors to the throne room, seen from inside. These open to reveal a delivery stallion hauling a cart piled high with books. Cut to the central area and pan slowly across; the violet Princess sits in the center of the floor, a stack of books and envelopes alongside as she reads from a document held in her magic. Rarity has taken a seat on her own throne, resting on her belly as she telekinetically polishes one arm with a cloth; the copy of her cutie mark set into its upper portion is glowing blue. The edge of Spike’s head can be seen beyond the side of his own smaller throne; he is reading something, revealed as a Daring Do novel when the camera changes angles to frame him head-on. Applejack and Fluttershy push a very large crate across the floor with head and hooves, respectively, and another new angle picks out Pinkie blowing up a balloon while seated on a vacant throne. An overhead shot and slow zoom show that she is using Applejack’s rather than her own for this work, while Rarity shifts her polishing cloth to the high back near the three glowing gems. The stallion pulls up at the circle of thrones; ground level, his forelegs stepping into view.)

Delivery stallion: Excuse me, Princess. (She glances up; head-on view of him.) Where do you want all these books from Princess Celestia?

Twilight: The library.

(Her perspective of him and Pinkie. As she points off to her left and he follows the gesture with his eyes, the topmost book on the cart begins to emit pulses of light and jitter in place.)

Twilight: Third door on the left.

Delivery stallion: (glancing up at it) Even this one that’s glowin’ and vibratin’?

Tilt up to it, then cut back to Twilight. She looks up in alarm, the paper before her dropping forgotten to the floor, and the camera zooms out overhead to frame the anomalous volume—whose cover is emblazoned with Celestia’s cutie mark.

She floats it down from the pile, the camera cutting to ground level as the other four mares take notice. Applejack and Fluttershy step a bit closer, while Pinkie floats off Applejack’s throne on her giant balloon.

The book quiets down once Twilight opens it and riffles the pages; something she sees causes her to stop and stare popeyed, and Fluttershy is first to cross to her.

Fluttershy: What is it, Twilight? (Pinkie peeks from behind, off her balloon, then Rainbow from above.)

Twilight: It looks like…a message to Princess Celestia from me and Roses friends at Canterlot High. (Longer shot; all seven are now gathered around the book.)

Rose: How is that even possible?

Twilight: I have no idea, but… (shocked) …it sounds like they need my help!

Cut to a dimly lit extreme close-up of a row of books on a shelf, seen from behind.

One is floated away in a magical grip, giving a view through the resulting opening of a well-lit expanse of library shelves across the way.

The sliver of green tree-patterned window beyond this tells that the room is in the castle.

Twilight: (from o.s.) The way Sunset Shimmer described them…

A slight rotation frames the gold unicorn-head decoration on the cover—this is the reference guide she and others have consulted on a number of occasions. Cut to a table at the center of this large room; all six mares and one dragon are gathered here, and Twilight brings the book in.

Twilight: …I think these new girls sound an awful lot like… (Cut to the other mares at the table; it thumps down and she continues o.s.) …the Sirens.

Pinkie: (freaking out) Not the Sirens! (aside, to Fluttershy) I don’t actually know what that is. (Back to Twilight, magically opening/flipping pages.)

Twilight: The Sirens were three beautiful but dangerous creatures—

As she speaks, the view dissolves to an illustration of three finned fish/dragon beasts, with horses’ heads and forelegs, sitting on a rocky outcropping amid ocean waves.

One is red-orange, one violet, one blue-green, and each has a large red gem embedded in its chest.

Tilt up slowly as they raise their heads to sing, streams of magic issuing from their mouths.

*** All lines marked with one asterisk (*) are delivered as a voice over. ***

* Twilight: —who had the power to charm ponies with their music. (They float over a seaside village; slow pan as the residents argue.) But to maintain this power, they had to feed on the negativity and distrust of others.

Close-up of two ponies butting heads, then zoom out slightly to frame the three Sirens behind them and tilt up to follow the wisps of green haze that stream up to them.

* Twilight: The more of this negative energy they consumed, the stronger their voices became— (Another stretch of land, panning across; they float over many squabbling equines.) —and the farther they could spread their dark magic.

Back to the library table, panning slowly across the unnerved onlookers.

Fluttershy: I don’t think I like this story very much.

Rose:Neither do i..

Twilight: (from o.s.) If the Sirens had their way, they would have divided and conquered all of Equestria. But a certain Starswirl the Bearded wasn’t having it.

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