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Cut to a close-up of one of Fluttershy’s hands being held up by Rarity so she can apply polish to the nails. The scene has shifted back to the human world.

In a longer shot, the two girls are seated a short distance from the school’s statue.

Tilt up from them, past Rainbow and Sunset sitting by the base—the latter reading the old entries in her magic journal—and stop on Applejack and Pinkie, seated atop it and playing cards.

The apple farmer gazes levelly across at her opponent and lays down her cards—four aces—whereupon Pinkie smirks triumphantly and spreads out four jokers on top of them.

Her ear-to-ear smile prompts a very funny look from Applejack as if to say, “You may be playing with a full deck, but what the heck is it full of?”

Back at ground level, Rainbow idly tosses her soccer ball from hand to hand for a moment, but knocks off with a bored sigh.

Rainbow: I’m starting to think she or they are not coming.

The side of the base behind her promptly flares white, and one violet-skinned girl,a light pink-skinned girl and one lighter violet dog come flying out headfirst as if shot from a cannon.

They hurtle o.s. in a split second, but this is long enough to pick out the clothes Twilight and Rose is wearing—the same ones in which they first entered this strange world. Rainbow drops her ball, and all six are quick to take notice and perk up.

All but Twilight,Rose and Spike: Twilight,Rose!

Sunset runs toward them; in close-up, the new arrival sits up and rubs her head, her back to the camera.

Twilight: (weakly) Ooh… (turning around) …We're back.

Pan slightly to frame a yellow-orange hand being extended toward them; they regard it with clear unease and suspicion, the camera zooming out to fully frame both Spike and Sunset alongside.

After a short internal argument, Twilight and Rose allow themself a small smile and lets her past nemesis pull her upright while rose grabs sunsets hand.

Within seconds the other five girls have swarmed in for a hug, Sunset backing off.

Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Rainbow, Rarity: Oh, Twilight,Rose!

Twilight: And we’ve got some bad news about those new girls.

Assorted expressions of dismay. Dissolve to the exterior of the coffee shop that serves as this world’s equivalent of Sugarcube Corner, zooming in slowly, then cut to the gang at a table inside.

Twilight,Rose and Rarity are seated on a couch; Sunset on one of its arms; Applejack/Fluttershy/Rainbow in chairs; Applejack sitting backwards on hers and Spike on Fluttershy’s lap; Pinkie bringing over a couple of drinks.

On the next line, she sits down next to Twilight and gives her one, keeping the other—a chocolate milkshake—for herself.

Rose on the other hand has a Strawberry milkshake with sprinkles on top.

Rainbow already has a beverage of her own, and a cup of tea sits before Rarity.

Rarity: Oh, I do hate that the two of you’ve had to return in a time of crisis. (Close-up of Twilight,Rose and Rarity.) We have so much catching up to do!

Applejack: (from o.s.) For starters… (Cut to her.) …a certain blue-haired guitar player was just askin’ about you. (To Rose.)

Rose: (excitedly, blushing, playing with hair) Flash Sentry was asking about me?

A zoom out frames the knowing expressions on the faces of Rarity and Sunset, as well as Pinkie’s “tell me more” look around her straw. Rose clears her throat and does her best to recover her poise.

Rose: Isn’t that nice? (She slurps hastily at her drink; Rarity lifts her teacup.)

Rarity: Perhaps you two could give us just the slightest bit of gossip from your world? (Spike holds up a dog biscuit.)

Spike: She’s got an official title now. (Mimic a trumpet fanfare with the treat.)

Rose: The Princess of Friendship!

Spike:hey! I was gonna say that..

Rose:Too late.

Sunset: Wow, that’s really impressive. Guess you really were Princess Celestia’s prize pupil Twilight.

Spike: She’s even got her own castle.

(Rarity leans toward Twilight with gusto, startling said Princess into spilling her drink on herself.)

Rarity: A castle?!? You have your own castle?!? (catching herself) Uh… (Clear throat; grab a napkin and clean Twilight off.) …ooh, uh, lovely.

Rose: What’s new here? I mean, besides your school becoming the target of dangerous magical creatures from Equestria.

Cut to her perspective on the end of this, panning from Applejack to Fluttershy and Rainbow. DJ P0N-3 strolls past behind them, music blaring in her headphones.

Rainbow: (setting her drink down, pulling out/tapping at a cell phone) Yeah, so that isn’t exactly the only strange thing that’s happened since you left.

She holds it toward the camera; on its screen is a video clip of herself playing guitar and undergoing her half-pony transformation. Cut to a close-up of a gobsmacked Twilight as the phone is pulled away.

Rainbow: (from o.s.) Pretty sweet, huh? (The three girls in chairs again.) It happens to all of us when we play. (She pushes back and puts her feet up.)

Twilight: Hmm. (She sets her drink down.) My crown was returned to Equestria— (Rainbow’s feet come down.)

Rose:—but some of its magic must have remained here at Canterlot High. Now that we’re all back together, we can use that magic on the Sirens,

Twilight: just like when we were able to use it on Sunset Shimmer when she turned into that horrifyingly awful winged monster!

Everyone else latches on to her sudden loss of tact; after a beat, she smiles sheepishly and addresses herself in Sunset’s direction.

Twilight: No offense.

Sunset: (grumpily) None taken. (Chuckle.) I’m used to it. (Rainbow stands up.)

Rainbow: They’ll never even know what hit ’em!

A quick string of strikes at the air culminates in an extreme close-up of a fist flying across the room—and a tanned hand catching it. Zoom out to frame Applejack on the receiving end.

Applejack: We’ve got nothin’ to worry about now that Twilight and Rose are back.

Fluttershy: Oh. I’m pretty sure I could find something to worry about— (smiling brightly, hugging Spike) —but it won’t be the Sirens! (Close-up of Twilight.)

Twilight: The sooner we do this, the better. (Zoom out slightly, framing Rarity and Sunset.)

Rose:Any idea where the Dazzlings might be?

A shake of the purple-haired head, a shrug of the leather-jacketed shoulders, and Pinkie’s hand reaches into view to tap one of  Rose’s. Pan to the party-lover’s end of the couch; now on her feet, she waves frantically while sucking on her shake, then backs off and sits down to finish it off before speaking.

Pinkie: (fishing ice cream glob from cup with straw) There’s a big party tonight for all the bands who signed up to be in the Showcase. That would include the Dazzlings.

Rose: Then that's where we'll be going!Wait what—

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