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An idea that sits very well with the rest of the bunch, judging from their faces. Wipe to a slow pan across a bedroom whose yellow walls have clusters of balloons and stars painted onto them—Pinkie’s room at home, no doubt.

The eight girls are arrayed about in various sleepwear: two-piece pajamas for Twilight/Fluttershy/Sunset/Rose, one-piece “footie” pajamas for Applejack, nightgowns for Pinkie and Rarity, a long cloud/lightning-bolt T-shirt and sweat pants for Rainbow.

All but Applejack wear slippers. As for activities: Twilight sits on the bed, writing in Fluttershy’s notebook; Applejack and Rainbow are playing video games; Fluttershy pets Spike; Pinkie types at her laptop; Rarity checks her cell phone while Sunset and Rose watch.

Pinkie: Status update—“okey-dokey-lokey”!

As Fluttershy,Rose and Sunset gather in close around Rarity, she taps her phone and aims its screen toward the three of them.

A flash, and she has snapped their picture—herself,Rose and Fluttershy smiling, Sunset sporting a broad grin, and Spike half-winking and holding up a dog biscuit in the background.

Zoom in slightly on the shot, then cut to the Four girls; Rarity grimaces mightily upon taking a good close look, then aims an icy glare in the canine’s direction as the other two snicker silently.

Pan quickly to him, smirking as best he can around the half-chewed biscuit in his teeth.

(Meanwhile, the video game showdown continues apace; even without being able to see the screen, it quickly becomes clear that Applejack has gained the upper hand.

Rainbow’s frustration builds to the point that she smacks the console, instantly breaking the connection and clearing the screen.

This last shot frames the box for their game, displaying a human version of the Mane-iac—the wild-haired villain that the Equestria crew faced in “Power Ponies.”

Applejack: Hey! I was about to beat you!

Rainbow: (twirling controller) I doubt it. So, Twilight, how is that counter-spell coming? (Twilight, having zoned out, snaps back in close-up.)

Twilight: Huh? (riffling pages, clasping book to chest) Oh, uh, good. Great. (addressing herself o.s.) Thanks for letting me use your notebook, Fluttershy.

Zoom out to frame the animal lover, who is now stroking a stuffed alligator doll who looks like Gummy.

Twilight: I really like the song you wrote for the Rainbooms.

Fluttershy: (cuddling doll) Thanks. (aside, with a sigh) Hopefully one day we’ll get a chance to play it.

A bray of laughter from the o.s. Rainbow; pan to her, having snatched away Applejack’s controller and holding it out of the incensed farm girl’s reach.

Applejack: Hey! (Rarity hops up to sit next to Twilight…)

Rarity: Twilight… (…who quickly hides the notebook behind her knees.) …I think I speak for all of us when I say— (arm around shoulders) —I don’t know what we would have done if you and Rose hadn’t come back to help us.

Applejack, All other girls but Twilight and Rose: Darn tootin’!/Uh-huh!

The sound of the doorbell gets Pinkie on her feet in a tick.

Pinkie: Pizza’s here!

In less time than it takes to say “chow down,” there is a massed rush out the bedroom door that leaves Twilight alone on the bed.

My little pony:Rainbow Rocks(Oc inserted)Where stories live. Discover now