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On the end of this, dissolve to a storybook picture of the eminent unicorn mage, seen from ground level just in front of his front hooves, and zoom in on the cottony expanse of his beard.

Once a single spiraling tuft of white hair fills the screen, it begins to rotate and then gives way to a swirling black vortex.

Zoom out from this as the Sirens are slowly drawn into it, circling helplessly in an attempt to break loose.

* Twilight: Rumor has it, he found a way to banish them to another world.

The zoom continues, revealing that the entire phenomenon has shrunk to perhaps grapefruit size and is floating before Starswirl’s stern eyes.

* Twilight: One where he believed their magic power would be lost.

It winks out of existence in a brilliant flash; dissolve to the edge of the table opposite Twilight and tilt up to frame her eyeing the book worriedly.

Rose: That world must have been the one where our Canterlot High friends live twilight!

Applejack: But Starswirl musta sent them there ages ago. How come they’re just surfacin’ now?

Twilight: I don’t know. (warming up horn) But if my hunch is right—

Close-up of one page showing Starswirl’s picture; her magic flips to one of the Sirens.

Twilight: (from o.s.) —and it is the Sirens who’ve come to Canterlot High— (Zoom in.) —this spell they’ve cast is just the beginning. (Cut to frame the whole group; she closes the book and turns away.) My friends need me. I have to get back to them.

She gets only a couple of steps away before Rose stops twilight.

Rose: I hate to burst your bubble, Twilight, but the connection between their world and Equestria will still be totally cut off for a super-long time.

Pinkie zips up between them.

Pinkie: Okay. First of all, if there was bubble blowing going on, why wasn’t I told about it? And secondly, if the connection is totally cut off, how was Sunset Shimmer able to get a message to Twilight?

The egghead mulls this over for a split second, then voices a gasp as inspiration strikes.

Twilight: (galloping away) Pinkie, you’re a genius!

Pinkie: (nonchalantly) Yeah, I get that a lot. (She yanks Rose over, suddenly irate.) Now about those bubbles!

Any further tirade is forgotten when the two catch sight of Twilight trotting back the way she came, levitating several pieces of mechanical/electrical equipment in her wake.

The others are equally dumbfounded at her return, but she pays no mind and gets to work, directing her magic back and forth to hook up the components.

She finishes by levitating a wooden panel toward the camera to black out the screen.

Fade in to a small holder topped with light bulbs on poles and attached to a curved rail that runs between two large antennas, which are in turn fixed to the upturned ends of a wooden frame.

Tilt down slowly to the sound of Twilight’s voice; the rig is mounted on an upward-angled arm, part of a complex arrangement of machinery and antennas that would fit perfectly into the laboratory of any self-respecting mad scientist.

She comes into view on the end of the following, standing next to the heart of the entire system—the magic mirror, last seen in the Crystal Castle, that she used to travel to the human world in Equestria Girls.

My little pony:Rainbow Rocks(Oc inserted)Where stories live. Discover now